Page 288 - بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
P. 288

} (if($upload
                     ;"lastaction = ""._UPLOADED." $userfile_name --> $wdir$
      This need a rewrite -------------------------------------> OMG! WE TOTALY //

                                                                         AGREEEEEEEE lmao


                                                                    ;(chdir($basedir . $wdir2

                                ;("Header("Location: admin.php?op=FileManager


that doesnt do a check to see if you are logged as admin or no... so you
                                                                           ...can use it anyway

   we erased the function... cause we wanted to remove the file manager

      -anyway but i suggest you to do the same... -to upload files use FTP

     yet another bug of php nuke... this software is used by thousands of
     people... (we run something based on it too) i hope that this time the
  author will reply soon and will release a patch too! as i said before just
dont try to be a script kiddie or we simply WONT post anymore this kind
of advisories. Prolly the funny thing is that who first discovered the bug
  was LucisFero that... 2 hours before didnt knew php ... so i (supergate)

                                                              .fear him and you should too

                                                                                         :posted at article

                                                    - -good luck Project: PHP-Nuke Web

                                                                                   Portal System
                                    and of course mailed to the author of php nuke

     contacts (bugs, ideas, insults, cool girls... remember that trojans are
                                                                         :(directed to /dev/null


                                             ( (yes we are patched

                                                             .peace out pimps. bella a tutti

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