Page 11 - PITCH DECK- In the Mouth of the Wolf
P. 11

 The screenplay for IN THE MOUTH OF THE WOLF was a semifinalist in the BlueCat Screenplay competition where it was praised for its “emotional depth􏰂 original setting􏰂 and distinct character voices...” in a “dark􏰂 yet hopeful tone reminiscent of LA LA LAND if it were combined with MULHOLLAND DRIVE􏰃”
The screenplay placed in the top 􏰀􏰁% for the Academy Nicholl Fellowship Screenplay competition􏰂 “The voice of the script is strong􏰃 It feels fresh􏰃􏰃􏰃􏰃the message of this story is how you really need to go after your dreams whether you fall on your face or not􏰃”
We have been granted fiscal sponsorship through Film Independent􏰂 the nonprofit arts organization that champions creative independence in visual storytelling and supports a community of artists who embody diversity􏰂 innovation􏰂 and uniqueness of vision􏰃

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