Page 12 - PITCH DECK- In the Mouth of the Wolf
P. 12

 Backstage at the Albuquerque Music Conservatory􏰀 Rain (early 􏰁􏰂’s)􏰀 the star tenor of his class􏰀 prepares for his last performance at the school􏰃 As Rain sings his vocal warmups􏰀 his eyes flash canine—revealing a fearless and animalistic spirit􏰃
Freshly graduated and working as an usher at the Santa Fe Opera􏰀 Rain chooses the worst moment to seek advice from the world􏰄famous tenor Magnus Fenrir􏰅 during a breakup with his partner Douglas (late 􏰆􏰂’s)􏰀 a wealthy patron􏰃 When Magnus storms off􏰀 Douglas takes pity on Rain and offers his help if and when he moves to New York City􏰃
soprano from Harlem􏰃 Rain’s goal of stardom seems destined until􏰀 at his audition􏰀 his voice cracks􏰃 At that moment􏰀 his shadow transforms into a wolf and separates from him􏰃
His confidence shattered􏰀 Rain reaches out to Douglas who connects him with the city’s most exclusive voice teacher (Fenice Le Marie) and secures him the audition of his dreams􏰃 As Rain trains􏰀 he’s enchanted by Douglas but questions the nature of their relationship􏰃 In a dream􏰀 Rain sees Douglas bare􏰄chested􏰀 howling at the moon􏰃
 f f
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arrived in the city for his first professional audition􏰀 Rain rents a room from Dee (late 􏰁􏰂’s)􏰀 a disillusioned
a hard day at the office􏰀 Douglas takes Rain to a gay club where Dee happens to be performing􏰃 Rain and Dee reconnect after the show􏰃 The immersive modern opera she’s starring in is in need of a tenor􏰀 and she steals Rain away to a late􏰄night rehearsal􏰃 Rain nails the impromptu audition and joins the cast as a member of the five􏰄man ensemble puppeteering the Big Bad Wolf􏰃 As Dee helps Rain prepare for the show􏰀 a romance blossoms􏰀 making Douglas jealous􏰃

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