Page 14 - PITCH DECK- In the Mouth of the Wolf
P. 14

 IN THE MOUTH OF THE WOLF provides a snapshot of race􏰀 class􏰀 sexual identity􏰀 and the generational divide in America that has only grown since 􏰁􏰂􏰂􏰃􏰄 The backdrop of our story􏰀 the Great Recession􏰀 serves to highlight the forces of inequality in this country􏰀 while Art serves as the great equalizer — drawing together a wealthy gay titan􏰀 a Harlem􏰅born polyamorous soprano􏰀 her debonaire South American boyfriend􏰀 an impossibly cultured gay black baritone􏰀 and a sexually􏰅fluid son of lesbian
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