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Congratulations to The 2017 JERRYs Nominees!

                     Nominee Name                        Nominee Workgroup                      Team Leaders                     Nominator
             Dewitt        Herring              Wooster Environmental
             Julie         Hurst                Planning Scheduling
             Gregory       Jensen               Operations Administration
             Jennifer      Kunkle               Quality Assurance
             Shneor        Levine               Corporate-Legal
             Thomas        Marting              Environmental
             Kelly         McGlumphy            Marketing Services
             Todd          Morello              Facilities  Wooster
             Debbie        Novak                Human Performance
             Phillip       Rickey               Wooster CNS
             Harry         Ritenour             Facilities  Wooster
             Steven        Rosenlieb            Supply Chain Finance
             Todd          Rowe                 Wooster Packaging - Direct
             Bryan         Sallee               Human Performance
             Sunshine      Scherer              Environmental
             Timothy       Scherer              LC Safety
             Dalia         Seif                 Quality Control
             Robert        Straight             Wooster Packaging - Direct
             Julie         Upole                Quality Control
             Lance         Walters              Wooster CNS
             Dewann        Weltmer              Global Sourcing
             Jason         Westerfeld           Quality Control

                                                    LIFELONG LEARNER - INDIVIDUAL AWARDS
             Kelly         Doyne                MKT DEV HC - Sales Operations                                           Fillipovich, Regina
             Jonathan      Gordon               Global Sourcing                                                         Uzcategui, Oscar J
             Dewitt        Herring              Wooster Environmental                                                   Stutler, Toni F

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