Page 2 - The HandPrint_Sept-Oct
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Unlike Any Other Product Launch - Continued
A complete portfolio of products makes up the The inclusion of disinfecting sprays in the PURELL
PURELL SOLUTION™. The products include the SOLUTION™ helps make it a holistic approach that
New PURELL® Brand HEALTHY SOAP® not only includes hand hygiene but also provides
formulations, PURELL® Instant Hand Sanitizer, facilities with a way to help reduce recontamination of
PURELL® Surface Disinfectant, PURELL® Hand hands by disinfecting the surfaces people touch. Like
Sanitizing Wipes, and a portfolio of best-in-class our soaps and sanitizers, they are fast and effective
PURELL® ES Dispensing Systems to meet every and can be used worry free. Today, there are about
customer and market need. 3,000 EPA registered surface disinfectants available.
Of those, less than 100 are classified by the EPA as
With the FDA monograph requirement to remove Category IV, meaning they have the lowest allowable
triclosan from all consumer rinse-off soap products, toxicity rating and don’t even require warning labels.
we were presented with a unique opportunity for Of the Category IV disinfectants, less than 10 have
scientific advancement and innovation – components earned the EPA’s Design for the Environment (DfE)
that are critical to the success and strategy of GOJO. Certification. And of those earning the certification,
PURELL Brand HEALTHY SOAP® products with only one – our PURELL Surface Disinfectant –
CLEAN RELEASE™ Technology boost soap disinfects in 30 seconds!
performance through a novel surfactant system that
gets into cracks and crevices better than regular GOJO has been the leader in hand hygiene
soap, removing 30% more dirt and germs. dispenser innovation since our Founder, Jerry
Formulated for frequently washed skin, PURELL Lippman, patented his first dispenser, and we’re
Brand HEALTHY SOAP® products with CLEAN proud to continue leading the market with the new
RELEASE™ Technology are free of harsh portfolio of systems, called PURELL ES® Dispensing
preservatives, antibacterial ingredients, parabens, Systems, that combine elegant design with
and phthalates. maintenance ease. The systems all feature