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P. 9
Fall Edition
By Rich Serva, Quality Assurance
Did you know that Northeast Ohio is full of fall harvest activities? There are plenty of activities that
are fun for all the family, whether you want to get lost in a corn ma(i)ze, pick a pumpkin, or take a hayride.
Here are some activities and ideas happening locally through the Fall months.
Corn & Pumpkin Festival at Lake Metroparks Farmpark White House Fruit Farm Fall Celebration Weekends
8800 Euclid Chardon Rd., Kirtland, OH 44094 9249 State Route 62, Canfield Ohio 44406
Website: Website:
events They offer horse-drawn wagon rides, a petting zoo, pony
Lake Metroparks Farmpark continues a tradition of rides, a kid’s play area with many attractions, food
celebrating the harvest season with Corn & Pumpkin vendors with fall fare, Cameron the crawl through
Festival, Magical Whooloween and Halloween Hayrides. Caterpillar, kettle corn, caramel apples, mums and such
Help husk, shell, and grind the corn or plow behind draft from Lutz Greenhouse, and more. Open thru October
horses while younger visitors make handmade corn 29th: Sat & Sun 11-5.
husk dolls and paint pumpkins.
Mapleside Farms Pumpkin Village
Fall Festival Featuring The GLOW at Fieldcrest 294 Pearl Rd, Brunswick Ohio 44212
Estate Website:
1346 Easthill (55th) St. SE, North Canton, OH 44720 You will find a 7-acre themed Corn Maze, 311 foot
When: October 25-27, 2018 Super Slide, hay rides, corn cannon, “Jumping Pillow,”
Website: and pumpkin patch. Open thru November 1: Fridays
Imagine thousands of pumpkins, hundreds of hay bails, 4pm-10pm, Saturdays 10am-10pm and Sundays 10am-
dozens of donuts and Autumn-licious treats, and oodles 6pm.
of family-friendly activities. Come one, come all for a
weekend of fun at Fieldcrest Estate. Don't forget the Ramseyer Farms
intricate Jack-O-Lantern displays all lit up at night! 4000 Ramseyer Lane, Wooster, OH 44691
Wooster Window Wonderland Ramseyer Farms offers fun for the whole family,
When: November 16, 2018 from 7pm – 9:30pm including corn mazes, hayrides, a cornbarn, farm
Downtown Wooster, Ohio animals, and a goat walk.
Reflections of the past are seen in all the storefronts in a
town where everything old is new again. It all begins with
the lighting of the Children’s Christmas Tree at 7:00 p.m.
in Wooster’s public square. At the gazebo, kids gather to
tell Santa what they want for Christmas. The air fills with
music from a children’s choir, caroling in the streets and
strolling musicians. There are even horse and carriage
Looking for a local Pumpkin Patch? Go to to
search for family fun by County!
For more Fall activity ideas, go to