Page 32 - WCER Park Catalog
P. 32

Valleyside Park

                                            Year Established: 1984
                                                Size:  6.36 acres

                                             Address:  7  Ave NW
                                                 & 33  St NW
                                              Map Location:  E-8

                        Current Facilities & Amenities (condition rated from 1 – 5, with 5 being the highest)
                             Open Shelter & Grill
                             Basketball Court
                  U          Ball Diamond

                  R          Park Bench

                  R          Digger
                             Spring Animal
                             Spacer Saucer Spinner
                  N          Overhead Space Climber

                  T          2-Buck-A-Bouts

                             Small Whirl

                            Two Seat Wood Swing Set

                            Hanging Bench Swing

                            Exerglide

                            Large Play Unit

                            Aggregate Path
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