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System 44 delivers a a a a a personalized learning progression with sca olds and supports for students with special needs Personalized learning in in System System 44 is driven by the proven FASTT (Fluency and Automaticity through Systematic Teaching with with Technology) algorithm which helps students with with special needs manage their acquisition of new information information and then carefully synthesize this information information as long-term memory Guided Practice
Powered by FASTT System 44 Next Generation v2 5
Sof2t/w15/a16re1:4M7 PaMnual © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Repeated Readings
sentence Immedfliatue ecornrectivye feedback and function of words English Learners
provides direct instruction and for English language learners based a a scope and sequence Features include:
to while building decoding skills Modeling and Self-Monitoring: clear models of pronunciation the the opportunity to compare their a model Providesvisualandaudio phoneme articulation Repeated reading of words presented and across lessons builds automaticity spelling patterns while building student Program activities require repeated sentences and connected text ELL students build word recognition to high-utility words: Frequent and to high-utility words words including words words common academic word families helps for participation in in content-area learning Support Features the Achievement Manager to activate the features below:
Vocabulary Imagery—Pictures and animations
provide The student: Sight Words
letter of the word and provide preliminary practice Translation: Students hear Spanish cognates of target words Studentshear commonly confused sounds and pronunciation suggestions in Spanish Spanish Success
videos begin with to help students access content Dataispresentedthrough according to demographics providing the disaggregate and analyze the progress of limited English proficiency Repeated Exposure to Words—Frequent and and and repeated • Sayit Studentrecordsthewordandhears forencoding System 44 software continuously assesses and places students according to their level of mastery of learning and and new information and and to to customizes corrective feedback on students’ speci c c c c c c challenges To further individualize instruction the the software skips content for which students show mastery and focus on each student’s speci c c c area of need System 44 software is is is designed to to support all struggling readers including students with special needs The Spelling Zone consists of of four activities that create a a a a a a customized study list of of Universal Screener & Placement Tool
Direct Instruction Independent Practice
System 44 Next Generation Software Manual
Spelling Check-Up Vocabulary Imagery 1 correctly from ones that require further study After hearing the word pronounced used in a a a a context sentence and read a a a a second time type the the word then press Enter Click Word to hear the word repeated or Sentence to hear the context sentence a second time Click recursively withi•nMaximnizdes efaficicentruosesosf inslterucstiosnoal tnimse bybuilds automaticity 3 matching instruction to each student’s needs Sound and Articulation Videos
Repeated Exposure to Words
Updated 06 15 16 PDF0942 (PDF)
students’ errors underneath on on which student student types the word Spelling Zone Spelling Focus
Sight Words
Pause to to pause the activity and Continue to to resume it it Using System 44 With English Language Learners
The student: Assess for Mastery
spelling words for each student This list becomes the focus of subsequent activities Spelling Focus
shows important
spelling rules and generalizations
by playing a a a spelling tip and displaying words that illustrate the spoken tip Click a a word to see and hearaspecificdecodingtipforthat themfromalist meaningwhilebwuoridldstoinidegntifydspeccificowodrdisnthgeynseekditolls word Click Tip to hear the spelling tip again Click the next activity Go On to to move to to • • Hearssightwordsandquicklyidentifies • • Assessesstudents’priorknowledgeofsight study T002-T019_S44NG_TE_FM indd
7 T002-T019_S44NG_TE_FM indd
15 2/12/13
11:16 am Sight Words
n n a a a c Students Students will encountecr tohenfoltloewixngtadsditeionaltaectivnitiecs ien tshe Sight odeling Sight Words
und h M text and and engage in in activities that require reading and and Wordtshinsktirnagnabdo uwttheicmhemaninrgrofrtetxhto sealreadydescribedforTheCode:
• WordList(seep T10)
• Mix&MatchWords(seep T11) • WordChallenge(seep T11) • SelfCheck(seep T12)
• SpellingZoneactivitTie7s(seep T13)
n d i g P d ual ly inc SMART ZONE
SPEwLLIiNtGhZOhNEigh-utility spelling patterns while building student student Word RSpellpingeChteictki-oUpnassesses 20 of the spelling list words The assessment Read s&epRareacteosrtdhe words words that that are are spelled
Afterallthewordsaretyped theactivityPdreisepnltasyesxpcliocirtrinesctrtluyctsiopneblaleseddwonoardcosmapnredhethnseive scope and and sequence Students build skills and and academic exposure to to to high-utility words helps helps prepare students students students for correct spelling of of misspelled words words which are added to the the list of of study words words When
psrooundu-snpceillaintgios nto iesncroedaindg The Spelling Zone uses assessment to individualize study and provides systematic language as they develop metacognitive understanding a a a a a a minimum of three times to help help instantiate the • Tpyrapceticietw itThhimemwedoiradte acoprprecativresfewedibthackasbpelacinficktoline wordinstudentmemory all words are spelled
the the the Go On button appears Click it it it to to to go on on to to to the the the next activity participation in in in in in in in content-area learning Sentence Fill-In
rea r si a a ngt 2 Repeated Readings—Software activities require repeated STUDENT EXPERIENCE INSTRUCTIONAL PURPOSE
c er processingatthewordlevel Allwordsarelinkedtomeaning through the the use of images and context sentAenDceDsI TIONAL gra ime c t i i e w o nst visual representations of of words words to to help students students connect to to Word Repetition—Repeated reading of words presented student • Createscustomizedstudylistsforeach
The student: Sound and ArticReuadl&aRteicordn: Videos—Instruction presents clear and is prompted to:
context sentence which is read aloud by the the narrator • Usestypingtofocusstudents’attentiononeach
Receivesacustomizedlistoffivesightwords • Systematicallyintroduceseachword models of of pronunciation and gives students the opportunity 4 • Introduceswordsinsentencecontextto
• • Seeit Awordishighlightedinadecodable highlightsightwordmeaningandfunction to to to compare their articulation with that of of a a a a a a a a a a a a a model playback playback Immediately after playback playback model Beginswithinstructionthathelpsstudentsapplyknown • Guidesstudentstoseeandgenerateeachword
readings of words sentences and connected text Sentence Fill-In:
• • Readsdecodableclozesentences • • Guidesstudentstothinkaboutthemeaning
passages helping students students build word word recognition and and The Word Strategies
Strand • • 38
• • Choosesthebestwordtocompleteeach
Develops fluent decoding of words through modeling and practice practice of blending Repeated individualized practice practice build fluency and comprehension Students Students read decodable raint
s dev i t t t e lo ps fl uent is provided • Providesopportunitiesforstudentstoread and construct meaning Blending Practic• eReqwuireistshtudeMntsotodisetinlgiunisgh b—etwReeen peated individualized correct correct and and incorrect meaning meaning and and usage r r r r r r r practice develops fluent processing at the word level All words are linked to meaning through the use of images and Presents reading tasks that promote skills transfer and System 44 Adaptive Software • Read&Think(seep T14)
2:56 pm