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COMPREHENSIVE READING INTERVENTION for Striving Readers READING INTERVENTION for Striving Readers READ 180® Universal Grades 4–12
Turn the the lives around of struggling readers with the the leading blended learning solution for Grades 4 and up READ 180® Universal is the leading blended learning learning solution that accelerates learning learning for struggling readers by merging the latest in in in brain science adaptive technology professional development and PROGRAM COMPONENTS
Each Stage includes the following components:
Student Materials
• READ 180 Universal Student Application • HMH Reading Inventory®
• HMH Phonics Inventory®
• Student ReaL Books
• Paperback Collection—120 paperbacks (30 titles 4 copies each)
• Audiobook Collection—20 audiobooks (5 titles 4 copies each)
• eBooks—46 titles knowledge for school and life After 20 years of proven success READ READ 180 180 remains committed to READ READ 180 180 Universal Grades 4–12+
accelerating struggling students elevating teachers and transforming partner schools Designed for for students reading two or or or or more years below grade level READ 180 leverages adaptive The leading blended learning solution for for for struggling technology to to personalize instruction for for for students and provide powerful data for for for di di erentiation to to teachers Respreectafudl eofrstuidnenGtsraofdaellsag4es– 1RE2A+D 180 is available in in three stages each each with unique age-appropriate content: Stage Stage Stage A A (Grades (Grades (Grades 4–6) Stage Stage Stage B (Grades (Grades (Grades 6–8) and Stage Stage Stage C (Grades (Grades (Grades 9–12) READ 180 Universal is the leading blended learning learning solution that accelerates learning learning for struggling readers by merging the latest in in in brain science adaptive technology professional development and STRONG EVIDkEnNowCleEdg-eBfAorSsEchDooRl aEnSdEliAfe RACftHer 20 years of of proven success READ 180 remains committed to accelerating struggling students elevating teachers and and transforming partner schools READ 180 UNIVERSAL COMPONENTS
Teacher Materials
Groundbreaking innovation and and e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e cacy studies ensure that year year after year year READ 180 is is the the the undispEauctheSdtage includes the the the following Designed for students reading reading reading two or or or more years below grade level READ 180 leverages adaptive leader in in in in in in in in reading reading reading intervention Engineered to to to unlock the science behind reading reading reading success READ READ 180 180 technology to to to to personalize instruction for for students and and provide powerful data for for differentiation to to to to Universal incorporates the the latest research on on on on and and principles of of of how the the brain learns to to to read With STUDENT MATERIALS
teachers Respectful of of of students of of of all ages ages READ 180 is available in in in in three stages each each with unique cognitive scienacge -aipnptreorparicateivceoncteonnt:tSetnagt eaAn(dGradrese4n–6g)i nSetaegredB (tGeracdehsin6–g8s) yasntdeSmta gReECA(DGr1ad8e0s U9–n1i2v)e rsal p p p p p • Professional Learning Guide
unparalleled support to accelerate student achievement Research studies for READ 180 meet the strong
n n n n n n n n n n n HMH Phonics Inventory®
evidence level as as de de de de ned by the the the Every Student Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Download the the the research compendium • Classroom Posters
Groundbreaking innovation and ef cacy studies studies ensure that year year after year year READ 180 180 is the the the and and impact studies studies at at www hmhco com/read180 n n n Student Student ReaL Books
• Student Application Overview
n n n n Paperback Collection—120 paperbacks (30 titles 4 copiesPeraocfhe)ssional Learning Opportunities
system READ 180 Universal provides unparalleled support support to to accelerate student achievement Dynamic assessments provide provide ongoing real-time and actionable data to to support support e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ective learning n eBooks—46 titles Assessments
support a a a a a a a a a a variety of goals such as evaluating overall reading growth or or identifying particular
undisputed leader in in in in in in reading reading intervention Engineered to unlock the science behind reading reading success READ 180 Universal incorporates the the latest research and principles of how the the brain ASSESSMENTleAaNrnDs toPrReaOdG WRitEh SNSEWMcOogNnitIivTeOscRieInNcGe interactive content and and a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a reengineered teaching
n n n n n Audiobook Collection—20 audiobooks BETTER CONTENT
• Webinars
• Individual and Team Coaching
focusskillsforsSmomaells-tgudroenutspmLaeyafranceinagdd iStiocnraelehnuridnlegsabnecdaupsleatcheymlaecnktb ackugroriucnudlkunmow-ledmgeb eREdAdDe1d8 0progress Universal’s brand-new interactive content helps put learning into context for for all all students allowing
monitoring summative and and formative assessments are included in in in in in in in the the assessment assessment suite them to to build background knowledge essential for for success n n n n n n n n n n n n n n HMH Teacher CentralTM When used in tandem these assessments provide a a a a a a a a comprehensive picture of a a a a a a a a student’s skill mastery to to provide feedbaBcEkTTaEnRdSiUnPfoPrOmRTinstruction READ 180 Universal was designed as as a a a a a comprehensive system of of professional development to FLEXIBLEIMPsLuEpMporEtNteaTcAhTerIsOanNdimprovetheirinstructionalpractices Theprogramhelpseducatorsmovefrom good to great while transforming school and district performance n n n Assessment & Analytics Guide
n n n n Professional Learning Guide
n n n n n Blended Learning Handbook n n Classroom Posters
• HMH Teacher CentralTM • Assessment & Analytics Guide
roRvEiAdDe1s80 Universal Student Application n n n n n n n n n HMH Reading Inve•ntBorlye®nded Learning Handbook n (5 titles 4 copies each)
• In-Person Training
• eLearning Online Course
The The exible rotation model helps teachers address students at at at all levels of intervention The The program can
be implemented in in a a single extended or double period with up to 27 students per per class n n n n Student Application Overview
In an October 2015 report commissioned by the GREATER FLEXIBILITY TO FIT ANY CLASSROOM
Professional Learning READ 180 Universal features a a a a a a a a a a a a a a exible rotation model designed to help teachers address students at at at at • Whole-Group Learning: Teachers begin and end end each each each each class by facilitating instruction in in in in in in in in in reading the ONLY reading intervention program out all levels of intervention The program can
be be implemented in in in in in in in in in a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a single extended or double period with with n n academic vocabulary writing and discussions with the whole class class Leader In-person Training
up to 27 students per class npWlihcoalet-iGornou:pSLteuadrneingt:sTweaochrekrsinbdegeinpaenddeenndtelaycohnclatshsebySftaucdilietantintgAipnsptr uwctihonerineraeaddainpgt ivetechnology
of of 10 investigated to demonstrate evidence of of n • Student Ap n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n Webinar
positive e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ects on on reading achievement n n n n In-Classroom Coaching
• Small-Group Learning: Students Students receive di di erentiated data-driven instruction while building
academic vocabulary writing and and discussions with the the whole class is is utilized to personalize and and accelerate their learning n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n Student Student Student Student Application: Students Students work independently on on on the the Student Student Student Student App App where they utilize adaptive meaningfu technology to accelerate learning After a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a complete Stage has has been purchased Institute of Education Sciences READ 180 was Teacher In-person Training
l l l l l l l relationships with their teachers n Small-Group Learning: Students Students receive individualized data-driven instruction while building
add-on components and and additional licenses can
meaningful relationships with with their teachers • Independent Independent Reading: Reading: Students Students engage engage with with with content-rich content-rich literature literature and and and and informational informational texts texts be purchased to expand the the program n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n Independent Independent Reading: Reading: Students Students engage engage with with content-rich content-rich literature literature and and and informational informational texts The Council of of Administrators of of Special Education endorses READ 180 for use with special education students Houghton Mi in in HarcourtTM HMH® READ 180® HMH HMH HMH HMH Teacher CentralTM HMH HMH HMH HMH Reading Inventory®
HMH HMH HMH HMH Phonics Inventory®
are trademarks or registered trademarks of Houghton Houghton Mi Mi in in Harcourt Harcourt © Houghton Houghton Mi Mi in in Harcourt Harcourt All rights reserved ISG FSM 0416
applying applying newly newly acquired acquired vocabulary vocabulary and and skills skills applying newly newly acquired acquired vocabulary vocabulary and and skills skills Programs and Services for Striving Readers 14 

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