Page 16 - System 44 EL in Research Paper
P. 16
Spelling and decoding are taught as reciprocal skills in System 44. The adaptive Software provides direct, explicit, and differentiated instruction on meaningful word parts and syllable patterns, which helps students in spelling words. Each lesson in the Software’s Spelling Zone provides explicit instruction that helps students apply knowledge of known sound-spellings to encoding tasks. The Spelling Zone uses assessment to further individualize study for each student and provides systematic practice with immediate, corrective feedback specific to students’ errors.
In the new dictation activity in The Code strand, students hear a sentence read aloud and are directed to type words of that sentence which contain specific elements (such as phoneme-grapheme associations, prefixes, suffixes, and inflectional endings). The new dictation activity promotes listening comprehension and improved spelling, and helps students practice punctuation and sentence formation. The student receives immediate, corrective feedback on spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.
The Resources for Differentiated Instruction (RDI) book lessons reinforce the explicit, systematic instruction embedded within the Software. These differentiated lessons begin with instruction that focuses students’ attention on the specific spelling pattern they will encounter in that day’s lesson and in the Software. In every Code lesson there is a dictation activity, providing students with ample opportunities to transfer the spelling patterns they have learned into writing. To minimize overload on students’ attention and working memory, new words and spelling patterns are introduced in small, manageable amounts and connected to prior learning. In addition, teachers can use the Sound and Articulation videos to model correct academic pronunciation of all sound-spellings as taught in the program.
Spelling Check-Up in The Code Strand
Dictation in The Code Strand