Page 18 - System 44 EL in Research Paper
P. 18

System 44 is geared toward promoting automaticity in recognizing high-utility words that appear with the greatest frequency in text. In the Sight Words strand of the Software, students focus on building fast and automatic recognition of the highest-utility sight words. Each lesson begins with an assessment that is used to customize instruction for each student. Students learn that the English language includes a group of high- utility, high-frequency words which are not decodable. This Strand helps build automaticity with these non- decodable words, too, helping students to progress faster through the program.
With the research-based teaching routines available in the Resources for Differentiated Instruction (RDI), teachers can use direct instruction to help students commit high-frequency sight words to memory. The Decodable Digest and System 44 Student Library titles provide students with further opportunities to practice reading sight words and build automatic word recognition.
Mix & Match Words in the Sight Words Strand
Sentence Fill-In in the Sight Words Strand

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