Page 26 - System 44 EL in Research Paper
P. 26

System 44 ’s program-wide emphasis on nonfiction builds academic vocabulary and content-area knowledge. In the Software, academic vocabulary is developed through explicit instruction in the Smart Zone. To support students’ vocabulary development, images are provided for over 2,000 words. For words that are difficult to image, such as concept words and verbs, there are additional supports including sound effects and video. In the Success Strand, students encounter high-leverage academic and content-area vocabulary that is defined for them. Anchor Videos provide background knowledge that helps students build mental models for unknown words.
Through daily reading, writing, and speaking activities, the 44Book exposes students to higher-level text and high-leverage vocabulary. Explicit instruction in academic vocabulary helps students develop and apply content-area word knowledge. Every direct instruction lesson in the 44Book includes instructional routines for preteaching vocabulary words that students will encounter in the lesson and the Software. New words are introduced in small, manageable amounts as well as in groups that share a sound-spelling or morphological pattern. Students will also encounter these words in their readings.
Resources for Differentiated Instruction (RDI) includes resources for further word-study instruction. Every Code and Word Strategies lesson in RDI has five target words and multiple additional words to continuously expand students’ vocabulary.
Word Building in The Code Strand
Academic Vocabulary in the 44Book

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