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3Evidence-Based Writing
u Research shows that writing instruction can have a positive impact on students’ reading skills and comprehension, particularly when students write about texts that they read, learn the writing skills and process behind the creation of a text, and have frequent opportunities to write (Graham & Hebert, 2010).
u Research shows that writing can improve students’ comprehension of science, social studies, and language arts concepts when they write about texts they read in these content areas (Graham & Hebert, 2010).
u Students’ writing development flourishes when it is scaffolded in various ways by supports that help students progress or carry out writing tasks and processes (Graham, Gillespie, & McKeown, 2012).
u For English language learners, structured approaches to writing have been found to be more effective than approaches without structure or scaffolds (Shanahan & Beck, 2006). In addition, teaching grammar and vocabulary as it is used in specific genres prepares English language learners to succeed with academic writing tasks (Schleppegrell, 1998).
u Expert opinion supports providing students with instruction and practice in writing for a variety of purposes, including to persuade, to explain, and to convey experience (ACT, 2007; Graham & Perin, 2007; National Assessment Governing Board, 2010; National Council of Teachers of English and the International Reading Association, 1996).
u Research indicates that in addition to writing to convey information, writing to argue or persuade is an important skill for success in college and beyond (ACT, 2009; Milewski, Johnson, Glazer, & Kubota, 2005). However, many students are not adequately prepared for argument writing when they enter college (Graff, 2003).
u Research suggests that using technology as a tool for writing can be motivating and have a positive impact on the quality of what students write (Perin, 2007).
u Students are increasingly expected to be comfortable composing writing using word-processing software in order to be successful in school, college, and the workplace (National Assessment Governing Board, 2010).