Page 6 - v1 S44 English Learners
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sentence sentence Immediate correctivefeedback • Providesopportunitiesforstudentstoread is provided and construct meaning Personalized learning in in System System 44 is driven by the proven FASTT (Fluency and Automaticity Through Systematic Teaching with Technology) algorithm which helps English learners manage their acquisition of new information and then carefully synthesize this information as long-term memory in in in the the the brain Universal Screener & Placement Tool
Sight Wor
Use the the Student Achievement Manager to activate the the first-language support features below:
• Vocabulary Word Translation: Students hear Spanish
Sight Words Check-Up
explanations of commonly confused sounds and Vocabulary Imagery
• • • Hears sight sight words and quiScAkMlyreidpoerntst ifaicecsording to demo•grAapshsicess psreovsidsintgudthents’ prior knowledge of of sight sight Spelling Cohppeocrktu-Unitpy taosdsiseasgsgeresga2t0e aonfdthanealyze the the progress of o Pictures and animations provide visual representations of words to help students connect to meaning while building decoding skills spelling list words words The assessment study Repeasteepadratresathde winorgdsothfatwaroe rsdpeslled
Instruction presents clear models of Read & Record
FLUENCY Direct Instruction These software features are are designed for for all studen studen Assess for Mastery
individualized practice for English language learners based
Adjust on on on a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a systematic scope and and sequiencfeo Freamtures imncluadel:l-group Instruction System 44 Next Generation Software Manual Spelling Focus shows important spelling rules and generalizations by playing a a a spelling tip and displaying words that illustrate the spoken tip Click a a word to see and hedar aspecific decoding tip tip for that word Click Tip to hear the spelling • Repeated exposure to high-utility words: Frequent and and repeated exposure to high-utility words words including words words from the most common academic word families helps prepare ELLs for participation in in content-area learning tip ain Click Go On to to move to to STUDENT EXPERIENCE
ag the next activity translations and/or cognates of target words • Spanish
Pronunciation Tips: Students hear Spelling Check-Up
The student:
summaries to help stuSdeignthstaWcceosrsdcsonCtehnte ck-Up: • • Disaggregated Reporting: Data is is is presented through
Guided Practice
Powered by the System 44 software is automatically and Software Supports Ecnognlistihnuously collecting student performance data Pause to to pause the activity and Continue to to resume it it The student:
spelling words for for each student This list becomes the focus of subsequent activities activities Spelling Focus Independent Practice
Spelling Zone • Word Repetition: Repeated reading of of words presented recursively within and across lessons builds automaticity The Spelling Zone consists of four activities that create a a a a a a a a a a a a a a cwuitshthoimghi-zuetidlitystsupdelylinligspt aotfterns while building student • Sayit Studentrecordsthewordandhears playback playback Immediatelyafterplayback model pronunciation is read System 44 Next Generation v2 5 5 Software Ma•nuTalypeUpitd atTehde06w 1o5r d16appears with a a a a a a a a a a a a a a blanTkhelinWeord StrategwieosrSdtrinansdtu•d3e8nt memory © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
PDF0942 (PDF)
Develops fluent decoding of words through
modeling and Presents reading tasks that promote build fluency and comprehension text and engage in activities that and thinking about the meaning of Repeated Exposure to High-
Repeated Readings
practice practice of blending Repeated individualized practice practice Utility Words STUDENT ESXPoEfRtIEwNaCEre activities require repeated readings of words develops uent processing at at the Sentence Fill-In
Frequent and repeated exposure to high-utility words helps prepare English learners for participation in content-area learning The student:
Sentence Fill-In:
underneath on which student types the word First-Language Support Features
< Curriculum-Embedded Assessment and Progress Monitoring
As students work independently on the computer Language Learnerswhich feeds multiple reports that teachers use to System 44 software provides direct instruction and • IllustratedVocabulary: Picturesandanimations provide visual representations of words to help students connect to to meaning while building decoding skills • PronunciationModelingandSelf-Monitoring: Instruction presents clear models of pronunciation and gives students the the opportunity to compare their articulation with a a a model • MouthPositionVideo: Providesvisualandaudio models of accurate phoneme articulation v ary t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t provide vital support to English learners t t oc s s s ab , b b ul . u u • Repeated readings: Program activities activities require repeated readings of words sentences and connected text passages helping ELL students build word recognition and fluency receive helpful pronunciation suINggSeTstRioUnCs TinIOSpNaAnLishP URPOSE
• SpanishSummaries: Successvideosbeginwith
them froWmoa lridst Repetition words words words to identify speScoificuwnodrdsathnedy nAeerdttioculation Videos students with limited English proficiency 434-439_S44NG_TE
matching instruction to each student’s needs 2/15/16
1:47 PM
correctly from ones that require furt•heCr reates customized study study lists for each presented recursively within and and pronunciation and and gives students w h After hearing the the the word pronounced• Maximizes efficient use use of instructional time by language as they develop metacognitive understanding _T4-H
i t h M H indd
practice with immediate corrective students’ errors study study student student Using System 44 With English Language Learners 435
Presents explicit instruction based
on on a a a a a comprehensive
across lessons builds automaticity the the the opportunity to to compare their Begins with instruction that helps sound-spellings to encoding The assessment to individualize study igh-utility spelling patterns articulation with a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a model used in in in a a a a a a context sentence and read a a a a a a while building student vocabulary second time type the the word then press
Enter Click Word to hear the word repeated or Sentence to hear the context sentence a second time Click 24
Read & Record:
correct correct spelling of misspelleRdewceoirvdess wahciuchstaorme iazdedeldistootfhfeivleisst iogfhstuwdoyrwdsords Wh•enSystematically introduces each word word word After all the the the words words are typed the the the activity displays correctly spelled words words and the the the all words are spelled the the GaonOdnisbpurtotomnpatpepdetaor:s Click it it to to to to go on on to to to to the the next activity • Seeit Awordishighlightedinadecodable context sentence which is read aloud by the narrator • Introduceswordsinsentencecontextto highlightsightwordmeaningandfunction • Guidesstudentstoseeandgenerateeachword a a a minimum of three times to help instantiate the sentences sentences and connected text word word level All words are linked to to • • Readsdecodableclozesentences • • Guidesstudentstothinkaboutthemeaning
passages helping English learners meaning meaning through
the the the use of images • Choosesthebestwordtocompleteeach
. build word word recognition and and uency and context sentences and fu n 02-
c T0
t i 1 o 9 _S n o 44N G f w _T E_F
o M r in 1 3 SMART ZONE
SPELLING scope and and sequence Students build skills and and academic • Usestypingtofocusstudents’attentiononeach letter of the word and provide preliminary practice forencoding Blending Practice
with Modeling d d d dd 7
under gradually increasing time constraints develops fluent processing at the word word level All words are linked to meaning INSTRUCTIONAL PURPORSEtehropugeh tahetuesedof iminagdesiavniddcounteaxtlsieznetendcesp ractice
s • Requiresstudentstodistinguishbetween
correct correct and and incorrect meaning and and usage System 44 Adaptive Technology PERSONALIZED LEARNING FOR EVERY STUDENT 

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