Page 9 - v1 S44 English Learners
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Targeted Instruction for English Learners
The System 44 instructional model provides English learners with teacher-led phonics instruction instruction building phonemic awareness and and moving to letter-sound correspondence blending word building dictation and and spelling Teachers can focus on on vocabulary sound articulation and language transfer with di erentiated resources to meet each student’s needs Skill-Based Small-Group Lessons >
Quick and easy to implement each lesson can be accessed directly from the management system Lessons target skills that English learners may need most from the common digraph /sh/ to multiple meaning words and word word analysis < Di erentiated Instruction to Meet the Needs of English Learners
System 44 Teaching Guides and Resources for Di erentiated Instruction include instruction to accelerate English learners including the following:
• Lessonstobuildmetacognitiveunderstandingofthemostessential concepts concepts as as well as as preteach concepts concepts and develop key academic vocabulary • Decodingwordstrategylessonsthatpresentexplicit systematic instruction in in phonics and word analysis • Vocabulary development for English learners that integrates phonics with meaning • Language skills with a a a a a focus on multiple-meaning words idioms and other skills that can be challenging for English learners • Fluencydevelopmenttosupportreadingwithexpression
• ArticulationsupportwiththesoundsofEnglish
• Contrastiveanalysisinformationtounderstandhowstudents’ rst rst language will a a a a a a ect their ability to read and produce sounds in English 9 

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