Page 3 - Rebekah Mitts Baby Shower
P. 3

We need your help to make this an awesome party for
                            Rebekah! Please sign up to help spread out the cost.

                        1.  Lemonade and Tea = Amanda Smith

                        2.  Cupcakes = Karen Mountain
                        3.  Tablecloths (x2 – food & gift area) = Vince LoPiccolo
                        4. Chips
                        5.  Cookies = Vince LoPiccolo
                        6.  Veggie tray
                        7.  Cute plates & matching napkins
                        8.  Cheese & Crackers
                        9.  Chips & Dip
                        10. Other misc. snacks

                     Please click here to let us know if you are planning to bring anything
                     for the snack area. Thank you!
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