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Welcome to the  C O M P L I M E N T  C O R N E R  ! !

                                            SHOUT OUT

                  LEGENDARY SERVICE

                                                       KITTY HUETT:                                                          NICHOLE PALASA:
                                                    “I had a very difficult                                                  “Nichole was super
                    MICHELLE                         situation here today
                  MIKKELSON:                         with my call in for                 JERRY MITCHELL:                      helpful and had a
                                                                                                                               great "bedside
               “Michelle was very                   service and had to call             “I wanted to tell you                 manner". It's like i
                 helpful. She went                   back and so I spoke                 how great jerry's                  called my friend who
                                                    with two agents who
               above and beyond to                  really helped me out.                 customer service                    wanted to help me
                                                                                          skills are. I'm in
                  come up with a                     I’ve already put in a                                                  out. She brainstormed
                solution to a very                 compliment for the first                 insurance for                    ideas to help me and
                complex problem.                   agent, but then I spoke              another company, so                  was one of the best
               My mother is elderly                 with Katrina who was                 i know how it can                    customer service
                and really needed                   just as wonderful and I                be. Jerry was                       people i've ever
               help with a difficult                absolutely wanted to                personnable, helpful,                    talked to”.
                  and complex                      give her a compliment,               knowledgeable - he
                  situation and                          as well.”                        was just great!”
               Michelle was able to
               make that happen.”

                                                                          KEESHA HARRIS:
                                                   “Hello, I know that you are all very busy but I needed you to know that
                                                        I am a very happy and satisfied customer of AAA because of
                                                         Keesha! She provided me very good service— I rate it as
                                                    EXCELLENT! She was very respectful and provided me with all of the
                                                    information that I needed. I am sure she gets these compliments all of
                                                         the time, and I hope that this recognition goes into her file!”
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