Page 2 - October Agent Spotlight
P. 2

Q. How long have you worked for AAA and what drew you to this job?
        A. I have worked for AAA for 5 years now. I worked as a medical receptionist for Mercy for ten
        years which I loved, but wanted something new and with more opportunity. I found AAA
        and happy I did   

        Q. What is your favorite part of being a dispatcher? Explain….
        A. I got moved from a call receiver to dispatcher within 6 months of working for the club.
        Since then I have built a ton of friendships with stations and drivers. We are like a community
        back here and help each other out. #TEAMWORK

        Q. Who inspires you in life?
        A. My mom a.k.a. “The Susan”. She has always been the voice and rock in my family. She was
        always consistent and there for my sister and me. I would like to think I inherited her funny,
        loving personality. She is someone not to be reckoned with especially when it comes to
        family. She is just an honest-to-goodness great woman. #HIMOM

        Q. What kind of things to you like to do in your spare time?
        A. I love reading! I recently read Amanda Lovelace’s “The Witch Doesn’t Burn in this One”. I
        also enjoy good food and have a good appreciation of Zymurgy.

        Q. Where is your favorite place to be? (Place you have traveled or even an
        everyday place that   makes you happy…)
         A. I’ve only been to the Grand Canyon once but it was the best time of my life and I would do
        it again a million times and in a heartbeat! I went one year for a convention in Vegas. We
        spent a day in the Grand Canyon and it was the most peaceful, zen day. I encourage everyone
        to check that off their bucket list   

        Q. What kind of advice would you give to a person interested in working in
        A. We are always changing and moving around in dispatch. As rules change we have to
        adhere to the new policies. My advice would be to be willing to be flexible and just jump in.

        Q. Mashed Potatoes and Gravy or French Fries and Ketchup?
        A. BOTH!!!!!!  (not at the same time)

        Q. If you had one super power, what would it be and why?

        A. Telekinesis --- I could move things with my mind, like calls or ! With this power it would
        make life much easier.

        Q. If you could spend an hour with anyone in history, who would it be and

        A. Lucile Ball.  She was one of the funniest ladies in the business and she wasn’t afraid to be
        herself in a “man’s world”. My favorite quote from her is “I’m not funny. What I am is brave.”
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