Page 3 - 電子書
P. 3
葡 • 一、 材料 二、內餡中的所有材料放入大盆中
• 現成冷凍塔皮20份
式 • 葡萄乾適量 material 篩3次即成為蛋塔液。
All the stuffing in the material
Ready-made frozen tower
• 內餡
into the big pot gently stir even
skin 20 copies
蛋 • 蛋黃2個 Raisins until the sugar melts completely
• 全蛋2個
after sieving 3 times to become
塔 • 白細砂糖120g 2 egg yolk the egg tower liquid.
Whole egg 2
• 鮮奶250g
White sugar 120g
• 鮮奶油200g
做 • 香草精2滴 Fresh milk 250g 三、將蛋塔液倒入塔皮中約8分
Fresh cream 200g
Vanilla extract 2 drops
法 以攝氏200度烤約18~20分鐘即
The egg tower into the
tower of about 8 minutes full,
Pastel into the amount of raisins,
de into the preheated oven,
baking pan on the lower floor
Belem of the oven, 200 degrees
practice Celsius bake about 18 to 20