Page 17 - Jakajanohjevihko_TRE
P. 17
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When you receive the distribution most important tool! Your distribu-
SURGXFWV RQ \RXU ͤUVW GLVWULEXWLRQ tion area may include apartment
day, you will also be given a map building, terraced houses, semi-
that outlines your distribution area. detached houses, and single-family
Take the map with you when you set houses.
out distributing the papers; it is your
Distribute only on roadsite
inside the border
buzzers, you can move on.
Distribute the papers to all house- You can enter some apartment build-
holds that do not state that they ings and stairways by typing a door
don’t want any advertising material. code, which will be listed on a
If the front door of a apartment build- covering letter you will receive for
ing is locked, press the buzzer/door each distribution round. If the code
telephone to gain access. If some- does not work or if it is missing
body asks, explain why you are trying from the covering letter, contact the
to get in. If no one opens the door employer.
for you after you have pressed all the