Page 23 - Jakajanohjevihko_TRE
P. 23
Slippery streets and haste, sharp 5HVHUYH SOHQW\ RI WLPH IRU WKH ͤUVW
edges to letterboxes, and lifting distribution round. Write down
heavy bundles of papers cause most important things to remember along
of the accidents that occur during the distribution route. Foresee any
distribution work. hazardous locations.
$'(14' 5'66+0) 1(( Lift heavy bundles of papers cor-
61 914- rectly. Assume a steady position >
Preparations for delivery begin at stand close to the load > keep your
legs apart > keep your back straight >
home. A successful delivery round EHQG \RXU NQHHV ! WDNH D ͤUP KROG RI
requires that you take the weather the load > lift with your legs. DO NOT
into consideration and wear appro- YANK WITH YOUR BACK MUSCLES!
priate clothes and accessories. You Practise the correct lifting technique.
should always change into a dry set Keep the place where the papers are
of clothes and socks if they get wet dropped off clean. Place all bundle
during the round. It is a good idea to cords and plastic wrappers in rub-
put on a dry pair of socks every time bish bins. Pay attention to regula-
you pick up more products to distrib- tions concerning the sorting of waste
ute from home. in your area.
Going through the distribution area You can open bundle cords by pulling
and route in your mind before the on a tag on the reverse side of the
actual distribution round takes place gluing point. Be careful so that the
helps you manage the job and en- WDJ GRHV QRW JHW XQGHU \RXU ͤQJHU-
hances safety. nails.You should sort the papers
At the beginning of employment, all DQG OHDͥHWV RQ D GHVN 3ODFH WKH
new distribution workers receive a GLIIHUHQW SURGXFWV VXͦFLHQWO\ FORVH
map of their distribution area and to each other. It is a good idea to
DUHD VSHFLͤF LQVWUXFWLRQV LI WKHUH DUH cover the desk with a fabric table-
any. You should study them carefully. cloth. Remember to also protect the
wall when you stack sorted bundles
Make sure that planning for the dis- against a wall. Fresh ink leaves
tribution route matches the vehicle stains. NEVER SORT ON THE FLOOR!
you intend to use. Distribution by car An incorrect working position can
may involve a different route than easily lead to pain in the back and
with a bicycle or a cart in the same legs.