Page 3 - Make every day amazing
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Amazingly natural sound
A clearer, fuller and richer sound experience
Illuminating every word, note and tone Noise Reduction adjusts sudden loud noises,
Beltone Amaze brings a much broader range of so your patients can experience them at a more
sounds into the listening spectrum. Now your comfortable level.
patients can hear all of life’s beautiful and delicate
sounds, from a grandchild’s exciting story, a quick Lusher, more textured music
joke in a busy restaurant to birds singing in the Equipped with the highest dynamic range in the
distance. They can experience more action, thrills industry (up to 116 dB), Beltone Amaze is able to
and adventure when watching movies. And, for your receive and process sound at the highest input
patients who are music or theater lovers, Beltone without limitation or distortion, giving your patients
Amaze embellishes live performances and makes a more natural and textured musical experience.
these experiences deeper and more fulfilling.
Music – a proofpoint for sound quality
Remarkably enriched audio Listening to music puts a hearing aid to the ultimate
Our industry-leading CrossLink Directionality 2 test. We decided to see how music would sound
with Personal Sound ID paired with extended through Beltone Amaze and compare to other
bandwidth (up to 9.5 kHz) offers your patients an premium hearing aids. Results of the blind test
unparalleled speech recognition and provide more were overwhelmingly positive:
auditory cues and information for a clearer, fuller
and richer listening experience. Conversations of test participants preferred
space. Additionally, Beltone Amaze’s Impulse 95% Beltone Amaze for music listening
and ambient noise can now co-exist in a natural
over other premium hearing aids.*
*Jespersen et al, 2018.
Beltone Amaze is packed with cutting-edge features that set new standards
for sound quality and situational awareness. Use this video to demonstrate
the sound quality of Beltone Amaze to your patients.
See the Beltone Amaze movie at