Page 8 - JDRCorporateBrochure
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JDR’s capabilities and
THE VALUE experience make us the
preferred consulting resource
WE BRING for many organizations with
ERP support needs.
“ ERP technologies have so much to offer, that
many times organizations implement only a small
percentage of the features and functionality available.
JDR has a reputation amongst the There is tremendous opportunity to further leverage
your investment by automating processes and
industry as being a firm that is implementing additional components.
committed to achieving results,
delivering value and exceeding Having performed hundreds of implementations
the expectations of its clients and ourselves, we understand the requirements and best
business partners.” practices and can help you meet your goals through
customizations that help streamline your user’s
Antonio Little experience. And, by working with JDR, you can free
CRO up internal resources, allowing them to focus on their
primary responsibilities.