Page 181 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 181
"But to Berceive and understand all this requires much
more than a surface study of Scripture, or the mere fore-
casting of future events. It must be read in its prof ounder
teachings, in those wonderful depths of meaning that under-
lie its illustrations, its metaphors, its history, as well as
sparkle up to the sunlight, hi its bright prophetic 'an-
nouncement of coming glory." Such a study of God's
word will be found of paramount importance to meet the'
skepticism of the day, "for it furnishes us out of God's own
armory, and trains us in His school of warfare." See how
God uses prophetic truth to confound the philosophers and
3 And He points to the prophecies fulfilled as an
assurance of the accomplishment of the new things de-
clared by Him. "Before they spring forth I tell you of
them." 4 And He sets forth Israel as the WITNESSES be-
fore all nations of the Word He has declared and that He
is God. 6
And such they *r to-day.
Prophecy is their history.
Who but God couid thus preserve them?
(3) Isa. 41 :21. Produce your (5) Isa. 43:9. Let all the
cause, saith the Lord; bring nations be gathered together, and
forth your strons: reasons, saith let the people be assembled : who
the King of Jacob. among them can declare this,
22. Let them bring them and show us former things'? let
forth, and show us what shall them bring forth their witnesses,
happen : let them show the for- that they may be justified : or
mer things, what they be, that let them hear, and say, It is
we may consider them, and know truth.
the latter end of them ; or de- 10. Ye are my witnesses, saith
clare us things for to come. the Lord, and my servant whom
23. Show the things that are
I have chosen ; that ye may
to come hereafter, that we may
know and believe me, and un-
know that ye are gods ; yea, do derstand that I am he: before
good, or do evil that we may me there was no God formed,
be dismayed, and behold it to-
neither shall there be after me.
(4) Isa. 42 :8. I am the 11. I, even I, am the Lord ;
Lord ; that is my name : and my and besides me there is no sa-
glory will I not give to another,
neither my praise to graven im- 12. I have declared, and have
ages. saved, and I have showed, when
9. Behold, the former things there was no strange god among
are come to pass, and new things you : therefore ye are my wit-
do I declare : before they spring nesses, saith the Lord, that I am
forth I tell you of them. God.