Page 38 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 38
Church, and through it we look forward from the cross
to His coming, when He will drink it anew with us, in
His Father's kingdom, 10 at the marriage feast of the
Lamb. 11
It is a constant reminder of His promise, pointing our
"He is faithful that
eye of faith to His coming again;
12 and we are exhorte.d to have confidence and
patience, that we may "receive the promise," "for yet a
little while, and He that shall come, will come, and will
not tarry." Heb. 10 :35-37.
One has truly said that the coming of Christ is
The Very Pole Star of the Church,*
and the apostle Paul calls it "That blessed hope."
Jesus and the apostles and the prophets have giveu
great prominence in the Scriptures to this inspiring
theme. and the Christian
Church, for the first two centuries of our era, found in it
*Rev. David Brown, D. D.
(9) Heb. 11:13. These all he saith unto me, These are the
died in faith, not having re- true sayings of God.
ceived the promises, but having Also Luke 14:16-24.
seen them afar off, and were (12) Heb. 10 :22. Let us draw
persuaded of them, and embraced near with a true heart in ful.
them, and confessed that they ness of faith, having our hearts
were strangers and pilgrims on
sprinkled from an evil con-
the earth.
science : and having our body
1 Pet. 2 :11. Dearly beloved,
I beseech you as strangers and washed with pure water,
23. Let us hold fast the con-
pilgrims, abstain from fleshly fession of our hope that it waver
lusts, which war against the
not ; for he is faithful that prom-
(10). Mat. 26:29. But I say
unto you, I will not drink hence- 24. And let us consider one
another to provoke unto love and
forth of this fruit of the vine,
until that day when I drink it good works ;
new with you in my Father's 25. Not forsaking our own as-
kingdom. sembling together, as the cus-
(11) Mat. 22:2. The king- tom of some is, but exhorting
dom of heaven is like unto a one another; and so much the
certain king, which made a mar- more, as ye see the day draw-
riage for his son. ing nigh.
Rev. 19 :9. And he saith unto (13) Tit. 2:13. Looking for
me, Write, Blessed are they that blessed hope, and the glo-
which are called unto the mar- rious appearing of the great God
riage supper of the Lamb. And and our Saviour Jesus Christ