Page 47 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 47
Tribulation is pre-millemrial, or before the reign of peace.*
See also the diagram on page seventy-two. Therefore the
coming is pre-millennial.
No. in. A Persecuted Church.
The true Church is a persecuted, suffering, cross-bearing
people* thereunto appointed, so that "all that will live
godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution" (2 Tun.
3:12), and this will continue until Christ comes, 6 which
precludes any Millennium until after His coming.
No. IV. Tares and Wieat.
We are nowhere in the New Testament directed to look
for the Millennium before the coming of Christ. But we
sign of the Son of man in of the world, the world would
heaven : and then shall all the love his own ; but because ye are
tribes of the earth mourn, and not of the world, but I have
they shall see the Son of man chosen you out of the world,
coming in the clouds of heaven therefore the world hateth you.
with power and great glory. 20. Remember the word that
(3) Mat 24:21. For then I said unto you, The servant to
shall be great tribulation, such not greater than his lord. If
as was not since the beginning they have persecuted me, they
of the world to this time, no, will also persecute you ; if they
nor ever shall be. have kept my saying, they will
Isa. 24:20. The earth shall keep yours also.
reel to and fro like a drunkard, 21. But all these things will
and shall be removed like a cot- they do unto you for my name's
tage ; the transgression sake, because they know not him
thereof shall be heavy upon it; that sent me.
and it shall fall, and not rise Also John 16 :33.
again. (5) 1 Thes. 3:3. That no
21. And it shall come to pass
man should be moved by these
in that day, that the Lord shall
afflictions: for yourselves know
punish the host of the high ones
that we are appointed thereunto.
that are on high, and the kings
(6) 2 Thes. 1:7. And to you
of the earth upon the earth.
that are afflicted rest with us,
22. And they shall be gathered
at the revelation of the Lord
together, as prisoners are gath-
ered in the pit, and shall be Jesus from heaven with the an-
shut up in the prison, and after gels of his power in naming
many days shall they be visited. fire,
23. Then the moon shall be 8. Rendering vengeance to
confounded, and the sun them that know not God, and to
ashamed, when the Lord of hosts them that obey not the gospel
shall reign in mount Zion, and in of our Lord Jesus :
Jerusalem, and before his an- 9. Who shall suffer punish-
cients gloriously. ment, even eternal destruction
Also Luke 21 :24, etc. from the face of the Lord and
(4) John 15:19. If ye were from the glory of his might,