Page 14 - Georgetown Preparatory School Alumnews Winter 2021
P. 14

other kinds of bodily ailments. Businessmen will
be demanded to come up with new strategies to reinvigorate the crashing economy. Policymakers must step forward with plans to bring aid to populations in need. Lawyers will be called upon to administer justice through our legal system. Journalists will be counted on to disseminate a true account of the state of our world. Engineers will
be required to innovate technology to improve the standard of living for those in need.
Georgetown Prep has produced such men time and time again, but what’s different about our class is that we will be worlds more motivated than most classes before us to use our talents to help our communities prosper. We will have a healthy
chip on our collective shoulder for the loss of these last few months at Prep. We will not take “no” for an answer when told there is nothing more we can do to aid the marginalized, that is, to feed the hungry, to welcome the stranger, to clothe the naked, and to visit the prisoner, as mandated by Christ himself.
Every last one of us will have an irresistible drive to excel in the next steps of our education. Nothing can stop the procession. We’re ready.
We wouldn’t be here if we were not all open
to growth, intellectually competent, religious, loving, and committed to doing justice. It is true that we all “grinded” to reach this point in our educational careers. All of us have had to leave
our comfort zones, become disciplined, and show grit to grow into the competent men that Prep has proudly produced since 1789. Through the service we’ve done while at Prep, the Class of 2020 has discovered that caring for the less fortunate is not a “grind”; it’s actually what brings us the greatest joy in life.
So, let’s go set the world on fire! Even though we will go our separate ways, when we leave Prep today, we will leave as brothers for life. While the Class of 2020 has had its share of adversity, we all have been equipped with the proper tools to go out and begin our adult lives doing everything for the greater glory of God.

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