Page 12 - Georgetown Preparatory School Alumnews Winter 2021
P. 12

                commencement 2020
Fr. Van Dyke on the live-stream screen. 29 members of the Class of 2020 participated virtually.
Georgetown Preparatory School celebrated the Class of 2020 at a Liturgy Service and Commencement Exercises on Saturday, July 31, the feast of St. Ignatius Loyola, the founder of Society of Jesus.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Commencement Exercises that were originally scheduled for May 22 and May 23, were rescheduled for July 31. To accommodate students who were not able to attend in person, Georgetown Prep hosted a hybrid event, both in-person (following the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidelines and local and State health protocols) and live-streamed. One hundred and three members of the graduating class and two family members or guests attended in-person and 29 members of the Class of 2020 participated virtually.
The community gathered on the Chapel field to celebrate the achievements of the graduating class. Prep’s Headmaster, Mr. John Glennon Jr., served as the Master of Ceremonies at the Commencement Exercises.
Peter Connolly, Jr. ’20, who attends Georgetown University, received the Hillenbrand Medal, which is awarded to the President-of-the-Yard. Fr. Van Dyke also presented Christopher Singleton, Jr. ’20, who attends Gettysburg College, with the Jeffrey L. Jones award in honor of Prep’s former Headmaster, Jeff Jones.
Patrick Gaul ’20, who attends Williams College, won the Hamilton Medal, Georgetown Prep’s oldest graduation award.

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