Page 50 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue
P. 50


       Hazel: The Ocean Guardian                               Hero Rats

       Born and raised in Qolweni township in Plettenberg      Widely unappreciated, rats have greatly contributed
       Bay, South Africa, Hazel’s big personality and infectious   to human wellbeing over the years. From biomedical
       smile drew the attention of the Ora Foundation when     research  to  locating  unexploded  landmines,  the
       she was performing with the Ontombo Theatre Choir.      profound input of certain rats has earned them the
       Now  she’s  employed  as  a  Tour  Guide  and  takes    title  of  heroes.  APOPO  trains  rats  to  detect  such
       tourists out on boat trips to the bay to see the “Big 5”   dangers to help save lives. Their potential has been
       marine animals. Hazel’s efforts both raise awareness    noticed  by  conservation  organisations,  who  with
       and interest in marine conservation issues, and helps   APOPO, have launched a pilot project aiming to train
       teach  young  kids  about  the  value  of  our  oceans.   rats to detect the scent of the world’s most trafficked
       The money raised by Orca goes directly to a local       mammal - the pangolin.
       township school - paying the teachers’ salaries and
       feeding the township kids.

       Genre:   WaterBear Impact Productions                   Genre:   WaterBear Impact Productions
       Format:   1 x 3’ / HD / 2020                            Format:   1 x 5’ / HD / 2021
       Credits:  WaterBear Network                             Credits:   WaterBear Network

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