Page 60 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue
P. 60


       Tycoons                                                 Unearthed: Ancient Murder Mysteries

       Journey into the lives of the planet’s ultra rich moguls   An exciting, stylish series that explores history through
       and  discover  how  their  influence  has  shaped  our   the  unique  angle  of  criminal  psychology  and
       lives.  Learn  how  the  unique  socio-political  climate   forensic  anthropology,  ‘Unearthed:  Ancient  Murder
       of each country characterises the behaviours of its     Detectives’  travels  back  in  time  to  iconic  epochs
       billionaires.  From  the  land  of  immigrants  chasing  a   and cultures to re-tell the stories of infamous and little-
       dream, a nation racing out of starvation to become      known murders in a totally fresh way... and possibly
       a  billionaire  factory,  to  a  collection  of  anxious   solve some of the mysteries surrounding them. Time
       Oligarchs  living  under  threat.    With  testimony  from   has turned most evidence to dust, but can today’s
       a  wide  range  of  contributors  we’ll  analyse  these   modern psychological knowledge be used hand in
       enigmatic personalities. We’ll find out how the ultra-  hand with new forensic developments, to understand
       wealthy have and might shape our future.                the last actions of ancient victims and theorise on the
                                                               motives of their killers? Does human nature change?

       Genre:   History                                        Genre:   History
       Format:   3 x 60’ / HD / 2022                           Format:   6 x 60’ / HD / 2022
       Credits:  Off the Fence Studios / CuriosityStream       Credits:   Off the Fence Studios / CuriosityStream

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