Page 155 - OTF Catalogue 2020/2021
P. 155

    Saint Or Sinner: Pope Francis
1 x 60’, 2016, HD
Pope Francis is shaking up the Catholic Church and putting the Vatican back on the world stage. The Argentine-born pontiff’s stances on issues like the LGBT community, women, and the environment are changing the public perception of the Church. Are his gestures more symbolic than real? As Pope Francis embarks on a visit to the United States, we look at his rise to the papacy in Fusion’s documentary Saint or Sinner: Pope Francis.
Fusion Original Production
“See No Evil” portrays the daily life of three famous elderly apes who spend their days in a retirement home; a film star, a scientist and an ape partially paralyzed down his left side. We have watched and taught them for many years, as they have watched us. A sometimes bitter, poetic recapture of the strange but intriguing relationship between chimp and man, as ‘remembered’ by the protagonists.
Dieptescherpte BV
They iron the Queen’s sheets and squeeze Charles’s toothpaste - the 700 members of the royal household are privy to the most intimate royal details. They are the Royal Family’s biggest asset but also its greatest liability, the spotlight is on these long-suffering helpers: from valets and maids to chefs, protection officers and secretaries. Round the clock they toil, often thanklessly, but they see and hear almost everything. Here are some of their stories...
They parachute from aircrafts, sniff out IEDs, and take out the bad guys. They are all members of an elite U.S. military Special Operations unit. But these incredible warriors aren’t humans, they’re dogs and each K-9 soldier saves hundreds of American lives. SEAL Dog is an intimate look at an American hero named Trevor Maroshek and his astonishing war dog, Chopper.
Smithsonian Networks
We take you on the most sacred and festive time in Antigua, Guatemala. As the sacred Catholic festival of Semana Santa takes place, watch as thousands of purple robed cucuruchos march through streets carrying miraculous images of Jesus and the Virgin Mary. This is a spectacle of a lifetime.
Equator HD
In 1994, in one of the greatest tragedies of the 20th century, nearly 800,000 people were murdered amid civil unrest in Rwanda. This documentary tells the story of Roméo Dallaire, a Canadian general in charge of the UN’s unsuccessful peacekeeping mission in the country prior to the killings. Returning for the first time in ten years, Dallaire recalls his painful memories and wonders if he could have stopped it.
  See No Evil
1 x 60’ or 1 x 72’, 2014, HD
1 x 60’, 2015, HD
  Semana Santa
1 x 60’, 1995, HD
   Serving The Royals:
Inside The Firm
1 x 60’, 2012, HD
 Kaos Productions
White Pine Pictures
Shake Hands With The Devil
1 x 60’ or 1 x 90’, 2007, HD
 People & Culture

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