Page 156 - OTF Catalogue 2020/2021
P. 156

    For six young Buddhist monks it’s the journey of a lifetime. They travelled halfway around the world, from their holy mountain in China to the heart of Germany. Sent west by their abbot, the 34th generation leader of the temple, they had a mission: to bring Shaolin’s unique blend of Kung Fu and Zen Buddhism to Europe.
Right Angle Media/Discovery Networks Asia/MDA Singapore
Despite having Down’s Syndrome, Sheri has managed to finish school, attain a tertiary degree and become a qualified teacher. She is also a motivational speaker, inspiring people from the dusty townships of South Africa to the UN in New York. Her secret: an almost superhuman perseverance and an excellent memory. She has managed to overcome so many obstacles and she’s not about to succumb to the ‘forgetting illness’ without a fight.
Factuals: Crime and Investigating Unit
This film juxtaposes the 2006 AIDS Conference in Toronto with the realities of life in Durban, showing how much can happen in a week. We follow Zola (12) as she tries to get into school, Zama (12) finding out the truth about her mother’s death, and Velele (35) trying to stay ‘positive’ about HIV but heading towards a nervous breakdown.
This is the story of how a young lifesaver, Achmat Hassiem, overcame a savage attack by a great white shark. He confronts his fear of going back into the ocean head-on by cage diving with great whites and, against all expectations, qualifies for the South African swimming team at the Beijing Paralympics after undergoing intensive training.
Factuals: Biography and History Unit
Bangladesh is one of the world’s most densely populated countries, with 85% of its population living below the poverty line. Bengali professor Muhammad Yunus cares about their fate and in 1983 he founded the Grameen Bank, which lends money to the poor and landless only. Today the Bank has more than 2 million borrowers, 94% of them women.
Movie Tron
From the grounds of the Smithsonian Gardens, we meet the world class Smithsonian horticulturalists and landscape architects who care for the gardens and share their secrets. We see these experts at work in the nation’s largest museum gardens as they connect with everyday gardeners. In the end the featured home gardeners transform their urban gardens into their own masterpieces!
    Ethan Films
Big Fish Entertainment for Smithsonian Networks
The Shark And
The Butterfly
1 x 60’, 2009, HD
 Shaolin: Journey To The West
1 x 60’, 2006, SD
 Sheri: A Life Of
Downs And Ups
1 x 60’, 2014, HD
 Signature Of Change
1 x 60’, 1996, SD
  Six Days In August
1 x 60’, 2007, SD
Smithsonian Garden Secrets
4 x 30’, 2009, HD
People & Culture

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