Page 25 - Feature Docs Catalogue 2020/2021
P. 25

The Great Adventure
1 x 90’ or 1 x 60’, 2019, HD
From the breaking of the sound barrier in 1947 to supersonic fighter jets, to the recent NASA advances and civilian jet projects for crossing the Atlantic in only 3.5 hours, this documentary recounts 70 years of human and technological challenges. For long, the sound barrier was considered unbreakable. To approach it, engineers have imagined since the 1940’s ever more innovative engines. Today, breaking the sound barrier is perfunctory for army jet pilots. But it hasn’t always been the case ...
Bleu Kobalt
Supersapiens: Rise Of The Mind
1 x 74’ or 2 x 60’, 2017, 4K
Humanity faces a turning point – the next stage in the evolution of the human brain – and it’s being driven by machines. This two-part documentary investigates the phenomenon, introduces the players and asks: what are the real-world consequences of a super brain? In the process we meet young, innovative thinkers who are using technology to unlock our own in-born mind-abilities.
Terra Mater Factual Studios
Director: Markus Mooslechner
The Team
1 x 80’ or 1 x 60’, 2010, HD
Kenya has been called Africa’s success story - relatively stable and ethnically harmonious. But following the December 2007 presidential election, everything changed, and Kenya edged towards civil war. In this eccentric story, we follow a group of Kenyan TV makers, who club together to create a soap opera about a soccer team, hoping to bridge ethnic divisions. Can the lowliest of art forms achieve the loftiest of goals?
White Pine Pictures
Director: Patrick Reed
This Mountain Life
1 x 76’, 2019, HD
Martina and her mother Tania embark on a six-month ski trek through the treacherous Coast Mountains of British Columbia, Canada. Their adventure is interspersed with beautifully crafted portraits of high- altitude human endurance, a passionate avalanche survivor, a snowshoe artist and a snowbound convent-that are by turns captivating and inspiring. Woven between their uplifting story are vignettes of others who have chosen a mountain life. What is it that leads these adventurous people to sacrifice everything for a life in the mountains?
Cold Finger Films/Gravitas Films
Director: Grant Baldwin
     Directors: Thomas Risch & Sébastien Koegler
Surfing Soweto
1 x 90’, 2010, SD
    Prince and Lefa are at Merafe Station in Soweto, waiting for a train to Johannesburg. But they don’t get in the carriage - they are ‘train surfers’, holding on to the roof or sides of the train in a crazy hunt for an adrenaline rush. Despite their bravado, the surfers are desperate to change their lives. They search for love and acceptance, desperate not to join the ranks of the faceless, unemployed, unemployable and unremarkable.
Sarah BlecherCinga Productions
Director: Sarah Blecher
A Terrible Beauty
1 x 90’, 2013, HD
A Terrible Beauty is the untold story of Ireland’s Easter Rising. It is a docudrama with accounts from the Notts & Derbyshire Regiment, the “Sherwood Foresters” and the Irish rebels who faced them. Over six days in April 1916, during the heart of the First World War, Dublin was gripped by a rebellion that would tear the city apart and leave countless casualties on both sides.
Tile Films
Director: Keith Farrell
Starring: Hugh O’Conor (Chocolate), Owen McDonnell (Silent Witness) & Rick Burns (The Underground)
     Feature Docs

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