Page 56 - Nature & Wildlife 2020/2021
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     We get up close and personal with some of the world’s most endangered, most exotic, most feared and most loved animals and the people who help them fight for their survival. In a world whose natural environment is fast losing its battle to development, over-population and looming global issues like climate change, pretty pictures need reality to set them in context.
Foster Brother Film Productions
To many life-forms, the border between land and sea is an invaluable habitat. From cliffs to tidepools, from reefs to sand dunes - all are home to members of the animal kingdom. It is an environment of extremes where seal colonies take advantage of the cool waters and the fish that congregate here. The seals attract predators, but the surrounding cliffs make an attack by predators unlikely. Some animals spend all of their lives here. But not all.
Terra Mater Factual Studios
The Arctic Circle is one of the last great wildernesses on Earth, where the ocean turns to ice, land and sea merge into one and life is brutally harsh. From the frozen forests of the Taiga, which contain two thirds of the world’s trees, to the Tundra, the coldest and driest places on the planet. Each episode looks at how wildlife survives and nature adapts in these beautiful but extreme conditions.
Join our engaging presenter, Kristina Guberman, as she joins a wonderful volunteer programme protecting rhino and other endangered wildlife species at Imire in Zimbabwe. Kristina gets her hands dirty over 3 months as she mingles with other volunteers to make a difference for these wonderful animals and communities.
Goddunnit Promotions
Big Cats! Birds! Monkeys! ’Wild Winners’ reveals the features and characteristics of these animals in a new light, by comparing and contrasting their unique skill set, highlighting their distinctive superpowers and focusing on what makes them special.
Terra Mater Factual Studios
Wildest Europe reveals the incredible beauty and diversity of wildlife in Europe’s natural habitats. No other continent has such variety crammed into so little space: from caves at sea level, to precarious mountain tops, wildlife has realised some remarkable adaptions to survive and thrive throughout. Wildest Europe is a surprising and thrilling journey through life in a range of dramatic and varied landscapes.
Wild Walk
13 x 30’, 2009, HD
Wild Warrior Encounters
6 x 30’, 2019, 4K
    Wild Ways Of The Coast
1 x 60’ or 1 x 90’, 2019, HD
Wild Winners
3 x 60’, 2016, HD
      Off the Fence/Discovery Networks International
Off the Fence/Discovery Networks International
Wildest Arctic
4 x 60’, 2012, HD
Wildest Europe
5 x 60’, 2016, HD
Nature & Wildlife

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