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Jack and the Beanstalk
Few things can inspire and stimulate the young mind more than a good fairy
tale. Though Fairy tales have been around for centuries, they are still as
popular today, as they were, when they were first written. The continuing
popularity, over the years, of stories like Cinderella, Snow White and Jack and
the Beanstalk goes to show that there is more to them than sheer entertainment
value. These tales contain a deeper meaning which touches the reader/listener
on some profound level, and helps, in some way, to understand or cope with the
A childs ability to handle challenges and overcome obstacles depends to a large
extent, on her/his early influences. Also, it is a well known fact that children
who listen to or read stories, develop the skills needed to be good readers, listeners,
and writers.
We have compiled a few tips on reading fairytales. It is hoped that these simple
strategies will be useful to the teacher.
Tips for teachers
8 Reading aloud is important as it stimulates imagination and encourages
8 Read the story aloud to children with suitable modulation of voice. While
reading, use the illustrations to expand on the story.
8 Remember, younger children listen to a story, then capture the book itself to
look at again and again.
8 After reading, discuss the story with the class to enhance and expand
students’ understanding.
8 Encourage students to use the illustrations to add to their understanding.
8 Persuade them to predict and interpret.
8 Help students to relate different episodes according to their own
8 It is our earnest hope that reading this book aloud, to the class, will be as
enjoyable to the teacher as to the little ones listening to them.