Page 60 - october issue 2017
P. 60

COMEDY                                                                                          MC 120-FEATURE


                                                               LosDel Harrison is a comedy Queen who was dubbed by
       Del Harrison and April Ruffin are the brains behind the hottest
                                                               the prominent comedian Paul Mooney saying, "Del
       entertainment show that's hit the streets of Hollywood called
                                                               Harrison has that IT Factor."  She's done standup in the
       Standup, Storytelling and Sangin. In which they have
                                                               states and internationally. She's been featured on
       entertainers and comedians from all of the world get up on
       stage at the famous Hollywood Improv theater and diner on   Gotham Comedy Live (AXS TV), Laughs (FOX), The
       Melrose to show the crowd what they're made of.  The
                                                               Mo'Nique Show (BET) and winner of the Manhattan
       comedians tell hilarious stories about their life and
                                                               Monologue Slam Comedy Show. As an only child, Del
       occasionally will break out into a song that goes along with
                                                               Harrison entertained herself, family and friends with
       their story.   Del Harrison and April Ruffin are two intelligent
                                                               comedy. That passion grew into a profession and now
       and savvy business women who are ringing in a new form of
                                                               she's in the position to give back to those who love the
       comedy to Hollywood, much like Russell Simmons did with
       Def Comedy Jam back in the 90s.
                                                               stage as much as she does.
                                                               The co-founders of Standup, Storytelling & Sanging, Del
       April Ruffin is a Bronx native , who's the daughter of
                                                               Harrison and April Ruffin are giving artists a platform to
       the affluent Baptist minster Rev. William H. Ruffin Jr.
                                                               showcase their talents.  Their next once a month
       and Elizabeth Ruffin.  She's been singing since the age
                                                               extravaganza is happening on October 14th at the
       of 6 and was a child prodigy in her academics.  At the
                                                               Hollywood Improv located at 8162 Melrose Ave in
       age of 19 she graduated college with her Bachelors of
                                                                 Angeles, CA 90046 at 8pm. You don't want to miss it!
       Art from the historically black college, Florida A & M
                                                                With the shape our country is in today, coming to their
       University.  After college she returned home to sing in
                                                               showcase once a month is a great escape from all  the
       the popular Abyssinian Baptist Church Choir and had
                                                               chaos.  You get to kick back, relax, enjoy some great
       the privilege of singing along side the iconic music
                                                               food, drinks and more importantly LAUGH. Please follow
       legends Patti LaBelle and John Legend. April's love of
                                                               Standup, Storytelling & Sangin, Del Harrison and April
       singing and acting gave her the opportunity to travel
                                                               Ruffin on their social media pages listed below so you
       the world displaying her skills in Greece and Italy.
                                                               don't miss out on all the fun, excitement and special
        When she returned back to the states she decided to
                                                               celebrity guests.
       relocate to Hollywood and partnered with one of the
       funniest women in comedy, Del Harrison and they
       started a monthly show where stars come together to
       do Standup, Storytelling & Sangin.
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