Page 69 - March 2019 Tech Plus Issue
P. 69
D E M O C R A T S 2 0 2 0
So Many Mouths Yet
No Voices …
During the last few months we as people of color Have tremendous market value. They have also taken
have had many candidates. Come out throw many plays from the Barack Obama Play book the man I
themselves into the bidding for the democratic happen to call the pacifier president. However, in this
candidate . To run against the current president article we will not go into why I call him the pacifier
Donald John Trump . We have heard statements president however we will shed light on the plays they
from Corey Booker regarding his plans to eradicate have used out of Obama's play book. One notable play
some laws that seem to discriminate against people out of Obama’s play book is to show up and do interviews
of color, but he has shied to shed light on any on urban radio and only talk on the current president
primary plan to help people of color. All tho in many when asked about what is their plans that will distinctly
of his speeches he has quoted many notable Activist help us in the urban community . Thru their many policies
of the 60s including the wonderful Angela Davis they have planned the laws will of course help the larger
and other famed Black Panther party members he population and thru that we may have some sprinkles of
has yet set in stone any specific plans to help with help for ourselves . Which brings the point of the article
the issues that plague our demographic. thru all of the candidates we have had and
we have currently being infect many faces whom do we
Another one I would be remiss if I did not mention count on to truly be our voice .
her Kamala Harris who has been at one point the
forefront of many of controversial laws that has We can not lean on Jessy nor Al because they are so busy
hurt many citizens of color where she is coming attempting to earn millions for themselves and their
from. Despite their lack luster clear mission families so when it comes down to it we only have one
statements to help people of color they both. voice to speak for us but sadly he is silence due to the
fact many of us rarely listen to him.