Page 10 - Insight Issue 2 _ 2018
P. 10

A police officer through the ages

           (from the perspective of Harvey Howell Solicitors)

                                   Our service to members is to provide an

                                   education. We help you take care of your
                                   assets from start to finish.

        We recently gave a presentation to The Union  Serving officer
        of Catholic Mothers where the average age of
        attendee was 70. Many of the issues we raised  Most  serving officers  have  assets,  a partner
        were met with surprise by the audience. They  or children and this is the stage when those
        asked why things so important were not common  officers acknowledge they should be taking
        knowledge. Our answer was that it should be  some advice – even if it is just to put a Will in
        and that is our aim – to make them so. However,  place. But please, not a basic Will which just
        the real answer is that, if they are lucky, they are  repeats what the law says and leaves everything
        only the second generation to have ever owned  to the surviving spouse and then the children!
        assets so this important knowledge would not  Where is the protection?
        have been needed by their grandparents and
        parents – they are the first generation to need  If drafted properly, your Will can save your
        it! The wealthy have been taking the advice for  childrens’ inheritance if you die young and
        generations. Look at the Duke of Westminster  your  partner meets  or  marries someone  else,
        who died recently with an estate of £9 billion.  goes into long term care or changes their Will
        His son did not pay inheritance tax. That family  40 years down the line. Most officers we meet
        certainly took up solicitors on their offer of  would not be best pleased if they died and their
        education – and it paid off!                          assets, life insurance payments and pension (a
                                                              big estate if you add it up – the only silver lining
        New recruit                                           in the event of your death) ended up passing to
                                                              another person unknown to them.
        “I have no assets, spouse or children so I do
        not need a Will”                                      If you have young children you will want to be
                                                              sure that in the event of you and your co-parent
        Maybe you are right – and we will tell you this  dying together and before your children reach
        to give you comfort at no cost.                       18, people you approve of will take care of the
                                                              children. A guardian has parental responsibility
        However, please remember your biggest assets  for a child and can make important decisions
        have not yet arrived – your inheritance from  for them such as those concerning medical
        your  parents  (and  your  grandparents).  We  treatment and education. A person who does
        receive many calls from serving officers who  not have parental responsibility, but who has
        themselves are fine but one of their parents has  care of a child, has only limited legal rights to
        just had a stroke or their surviving grandparent  do what is reasonable in all the circumstances
        has just gone into care and is paying £1,000 a  to safeguard or promote the child’s welfare. In
        week for that care.                                   the absence of appointing a guardian, only the

        10                    Insight Magazine of Merseyside Police Federation - Issue 2 of 2018    •
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