Page 31 - MTBSA JAN 2020
P. 31

HOW DID YOU GET INTO MTB?  the opportunities that led me to   outside over a fire, but also the
 My dad enjoyed cycling and   where I am today. I will always   normal everyday meals.
 from a young age my brother   be thankful for them believing   DO YOU REMEMBER YOUR
 and I started tagging along.   in me. Also my fiancé, family   FIRST MOUNTAIN BIKE
 Our parents soon realised that   and friends for the constant   RACE, AND HOW IT WENT?
 we both seemed to be rather   motivation and encouragement.   I think I was 6 years old when
 talented. From as far back as I   Then all the sponsors, partners   I rode the 35km Koranna MTB
 can remember, I’ve always been   and special people who helped   Challenge near Marquard on a
 riding bikes.   me throughout this journey.     5 speed, 20inch wheel bicycle.
 TELL US ABOUT YOUR   WHAT CAREER   I know I finished and won a
 CHILDHOOD.  ACCOMPLISHMENT MAKES   Coke downing competition
 I grew up in Ficksburg, a small   YOU MOST PROUD / WHAT   afterwards, but honestly can’t
 town in the Eastern Free State.   ARE YOU HAPPIEST WITH IN   remember how the race went. It
 With not much to do, mountain   YOUR MTB CAREER?  must’ve been a long day.
 biking was one way to keep busy   WINNING SA MARATHON   WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST
 and out of trouble. Although it   CHAMPS 2019  STRENGTH WHEN IT COMES
 also got us into trouble many   YOU TRAVEL AND TRAIN A LOT.  TO MTB? I enjoy short punchy
 times. I remember building   HOW DO YOU KEEP A SOCIAL   climbs and technical terrain.
 jumps and drop offs in and   LIFE, OR EVEN HARDER, A   However I would actually
 around town and popping   LOVE LIFE INTACT?  describe myself as a decent all-
 wheelies through the streets   I’m a firm believer of balance   rounder.
 with my brother and some   and I feel it’s important to make   WHAT IS THE MOST DIFFICULT
 tjommies.  Throughout school   time for a braai every now and   CHALLENGE YOU’VE
 I did everything from rugby   again. It can be hard, but luckily   OVERCOME IN YOUR MTB
 to swimming and somehow   for me many friends and my   CAREER SO FAR? Being
 managed to win seven SA XCO   fiancé are avid cyclists.  dropped by a sponsor. When
 MTB age group national titles.  TELL US SOMETHING WE   you’ve made commitments
 WHO INSPIRES YOU AND   DON’T KNOW ABOUT ARNO   and the bills has to be paid and
 KEEPS YOU GOING WHEN YOU   DU TOIT. I enjoy cooking. Ideally   then you suddenly hear you’re
 ARE RACING?  meat   basically unemployed.
 While racing I try to focus my   WHAT IS YOUR FUTURE
 energy into what I’m doing   GOAL REGARDING YOUR MTB
 and doing that to the best   CAREER? Short term would be
 of my ability. Controlling the   African Jersey at the Cape Epic.
 controllable’s. The biggest   It will also be pretty cool for
 inspiration for my career   South Africans to win this iconic
 however will always be the late   race…
 legend Burry Stander.  FAVOURITE TRAILS TO RIDE?
 WHAT CAN YOU TELL ME   Jonkershoek. Although nothing
 ABOUT YOUR NEW BIKE   beats going back “home” to
 SPONSOR?   Ficksburg and riding the trails
 It’s been a very exciting   and features I pretty much built
 change for us moving to   myself over the years.
 Norco bikes. I’ve been   What’s your favourite thing to do
 absolutely blown away   when you’re not on your bike?
 by how capable   Any kind of adventure or
 these bikes are and   exploring.
 we’ve managed to   HOW DID YOU DEVELOP
 tweak them even   YOUR IMPRESSIVE MTB
 more with DT   SKILLS? ANY SIMPLE
 Swiss suspension,   ADVICE YOU CAN SHARE
 Shimano   WITH US? I think just
 components and   through always playing on
 South Industries   my bike as a kid was key.
 wheelsets.   I always tell youngsters
 Amazing bikes and   and parents to keep
 so cool to have the   it simple and not
 passionate Cycles   to force structured
 United family behind   training from a young
 us.  age. Have fun, play around and
 IS THERE ANYONE   constantly challenge yourself
 YOU’D LIKE TO THANK /   and your abilities on a skill level.
 If it weren’t for my parents   YEAR? Yes, Gert Heyns and I will
 and their support, driving   be racing as DSV Pro Cycling and
 me all over the country   we will definitely be going for
 as a youngster I would   the African Jersey.
 definitely not have had

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