Page 44 - MTBSA JAN 2020
P. 44

he legendary Barberton
               XCM Mountain Bike race
               took place on 25 January
        Tand, as always did not
        disappoint. This year Barberton
        received some much needed rain
        prior to race, which resulted in a
        very fun, challenging and muddy
        terrain. Entries for the 2020 race
        increased by 20% and shows that
        the popularity of this race keeps
        growing – it’s a quality race,
        good value for money and a real
        achievement for riders complet-
        ing it – well deserved bragging
        rights and kudo’s.
        The new 20km and 30km routes
        made for loads of excitement
        and were well received by
        the riders. These two routes
        gave riders the opportunity
        to cycle through the exclusive
        Greenstone Wildlife Estate
        where they enjoyed incredible
        scenery,  tuff climbs and wildlife.  
        Nico Bell was successful in
        defending his title for the 4
        year, with Mariske Strauss taking
        the win for the ladies Ultra
        Marathon. This 110km route was
        not just wet and slippery, but
        challenging and oh so rewarding
        with the views and lush green
        surroundings. The race started
        directly after the neutral zone
        through town where Nico Bell,
        Alan Gordon and Timo Cooper         such as Mozambique, Swaziland,      made indirectly.
        started the chase to become the     the UK and more attended            Save the date for the next
        King of the mountain – not an       the race. The Barberton Rotary      Barberton XCM which will be
        easy job if we may add.             would like to extend their          our 25  race – and we are going
        Riders of all shapes and sizes,     appreciation for the support,       to raise the bar in more than
        fitness levels and different        not only from their sponsors,       one aspect. The race will take
        walks of life enjoyed the race.     especially their title sponsor,     place on 30 January 2021 –
        Nothing brings people together      the Mopani Pharmacy, but to         who knows what surprises we
        quite like sport. The comradery     each and every rider and family     might add…. Keep an eye on our
        is contagious and all of a          member who had to make              Facebook page to stay updated
        sudden riders had something in      sacrifices to participate. Your     BarbertonXCM
        common, they suffered together      support goes a long way, we         Race results and photos are
        and achieved their personal         cannot thank you enough. Our        available on our Facebook page
        goals together.                     community is dependant on our       and at www.barbertonxcm.
        Riders from various countries       donations – the donations you

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