Page 50 - MTBSA JAN 2020
P. 50

ro is Shimano’s com-         stems, and seatposts in the Pro     I’ve been testing the Pro Koryak               ON THE TRAIL
               ponent brand whose           line are rarely flashy, but they    dropper post on my Orange P7
               mission is (in part) to      tend to be incredibly refined and   hardtail over the past couple of
      Pdeliver reliable, innovative         solid items that should last a      months, and I can confirm that
        products that offer a good value    long time.                          this dropper post lives up to the
        to consumers. The handlebars,                                           Pro label.

        •   170mm travel (tested).          INSTALLATION
            70, 120, 150, and 170mm
            versions available.
        •   30.9mm diameter (tested).
            The 70mm travel post is
            available with a 27.2mm
            diameter, while all others
            can be had in 30.9mm or
            31.6mm diameter.
        •   Weight: 535g
            (170mm/30.9mm, actual)
        •   Replaceable air cartridge
        •   Single bolt head
        •   Shift lever style remote
        •   Internally- (tested) and
            externally-routed models
        •   Aluminum alloy body
        •   Infinitely adjustable
        •   R4 326 MSRP (available at
            Competitive Cyclist and
            other online retailers)

        Like other, newer mountain
        bike dropper posts on the
        market, the Pro Koryak features
        a pinch bolt at the lever rather
        than the base of the internally
        routed post. This not only makes
        installation much, much easier,                                                                                        Have you ever flipped on a light    a “dumb” post. After a few          It does let out a pretty a loud
        it also makes swapping or                                                                                              switch, and thought, “Wow, that     months of hard riding, the Pro      thunk at the top of its travel
        removing the post for transport                                                                                        light works great!” Me neither.     Koryak reliably drops, and stays    which is helpful to know when
        a cinch. A fresh cable and                                                                                             But when I flip a switch and the    dropped until I ask it to return.   the seat is ready for sitting.
        housing are included with the                                                                                          light doesn’t work, I immediately   Ditto for going back down.
        post.                                                                                                                  start cursing the bulb. Dropper                                         IT’S NOT (TOO) AWKWARD TO
        At the bar, the lever features a                                                                                       posts are sorta the same; we        Truthfully a lot of sticky dropper   The shift lever style remote
        split clamp so there’s no need                                                                                         don’t get excited about what        post issues have to do with the     is intuitive to use and well
        to slide the grip off during                                                                                           they do, we just get frustrated     cable tension and not the post      designed. The paddle size is
        installation. I literally had the                                                                                      when they don’t do as they are      itself. Still, Pro has done a good   good, though it can be slippery
        whole thing set up in 15 minutes,                                                                                      told.                               job with the actuator, cable,       with certain gloves or when
        and it was one of the most                                                                                             For that reason, I find myself      and lever system making it easy     used with a sweaty thumb. A
        satisfying installs I’ve completed                                                                                     checking that a dropper post        to dial in and to keep running      nice rubberized coating would
        in a while.                                                                                                            doesn’t do certain things during    smoothly, preventing some of        be a welcome upgrade.
        Pro uses a single-bolt clamp at                                                                                        testing.                            the issues that plague other
        the seat and it’s actually quite                                                                                                                           posts I’ve tested.                  IT’S NOT HARD TO INSTALL
        genius in its simplicity and                                                                                           IT DOESN’T HAVE ANY PLAY                                                See the “Installation” section
                                                                                                                               My Pro Koryak hasn’t developed
        operation. Not to say that it’s                                                                                        any — and I mean, not a single      IT DOESN’T RETURN TO SLOWLY         above.
        perfect and a joy to use, but                                                                                          degree — of rotational “play”       Return speeds on dropper posts
        it’s less awful than the others                                                                                        at the saddle. The post keeps       tend to vary quite a bit, and I     CONCLUSION
        I’ve fiddled with over the years.                                                                                      the saddle completely fixed         think everyone can agree that       The Pro Koryak mountain bike
        Mounting the post to the rails                                                                                         and rattle-free for a solid,        a slow dropper is almost as         dropper post has proven to be
        can be accomplished using just                                                                                         confidence-inspiring feel.          bad as no dropper. Riders often     easy to install and offers solid
        one hand, and I didn’t lose any                                                                                                                            need to transition quickly from     and reliable performance on the
        nuts or bolts along the way.        on the inside of where the rails    angle.                                         IT’S DOESN’T GET STUCK              descending to climbing, and         trail. While it doesn’t excel in any
        Getting the saddle angle dialed     attach, and they’re sorta held in   The upshot is that angle is then               One of the worst things a           every second counts toward          one area — it’s not the fastest,
        was a bit tricky at first, until I   place with friction. With a bit of   set so the next time you swap                dropper post can do is get          making this feel smooth. I would    lightest, or flashiest — it’s very,
        understood how it works. There      force, it’s possible to twist these   the saddle, everything will still            stuck, either in the up or down     say the Pro Koryak is average       very good at what it does. And
        are two round plugs mounted         rail supports to the desired        be where you want it.                          position, rendering it essentially   when it comes to return speed.     that should please most riders.

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