Page 8 - KMAland Healthcare Heroes
P. 8

8              A Salute to KMAland Healthcare Heroes                                 KMAland 2021

   my ES staff members stepped up to  contacting our sales representatives  We use the new UV sanitizing
   help. Having been trained to clean  to get the supplies we needed - and  light as an additional layer of room
   contaminated areas and yet know-  it still continues. A great deal of  disinfecting and to disinfect PPE
   ing how serious this situation was,  time was also spent preparing for  and  patient  equipment.    All  this
   we just considered it another day at  social distancing. We rearranged  required a great deal of time and
   the office. We put on our Personal  the lobbies, hallways and cafeteria  physical labor and has kept us quite
   Protective Equipment (PPE) and  to accommodate social distancing,  busy!
   went to work. Five hours later, the  helped place screening stations at   I am very proud of my
   three of us had accomplished our  the entrances and stationed hand  Environmental Services team, each
   goal and we did it safely!        sanitizers everywhere.  It was dur-  and every one has stepped up when
     The next several months were  ing this time we ordered our first  needed and performed like the pro-
   met  with  many  challenges  that  Ultra Violet (UV) sanitizing light.  fessionals they are! They did their
   soon became routine, such as sup-   As mid-summer approached  job safely and properly and kept
   ply shortages; spray bottles were  COVID-positive  patients  began  their coworkers and our patients
   in short supply, along with face  to present to our Emergency  safe. I am proud to say that each
   masks, bleach, cleaning products,  Department and be admitted to  and every one of them proved to
   paper products and just about any-  the hospital. The ES team did their  be dedicated and brave and never
   thing that involved hospitals and  part. Some of my staff would be  once did they falter from their task!
   cleaning. Having been appointed  considered  high  risk  and yet  they
   Logistics Chief, I felt we were  all pitched in to clean and sanitize          Holly Crowell, RN, CPHQ
   well stocked with the basic clean-  the ED rooms, the patient dismissal     Montgomery County Memorial
   ing products we needed. However,  rooms, as well as many other areas         Hospital Infection Prevention &
   many items continue to be nearly  of the hospital that may have been                Quality Improvement
   impossible to obtain.  Our pur-   contaminated. This involved wash-
   chasing  agent  and  I  spent  many  ing walls and scrubbing floors and
   hours searching the internet and  disinfecting all items in the room.
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