Page 4 - Katima Mulilo Graduation Booklet - 3 May 2022
P. 4
• Arrival of Guest(s) of Honour
• Official Photo Session
1. National/AU Anthems
2. Constitution of the Congregation: Chancellor
3. Scripture Reading: Pastor Moses Muyunda
4. Welcoming Remarks: Vice Chancellor
5. Motivational Speaker:
Mr. Conrad Lutombi, Chief Executive Officer, Roads Authority
6. Musical Item
7. Chancellor’s Address
8. Musical Item
9. Invitation to Schools to Present Candidates for all Qualifications:
10. Presentation of Candidates for
Undergraduate Certificates and Diplomas:
FHSVM: School of Allied Health Science - Dr. S. Chinyoka
School of Veterinary Medicine - Dr. S. Chinyoka
FEHS: School of Education - Dr. P. Mashebe
11. Presentation of Candidates for Undergraduate Degrees:
FAENS: School of Science - Prof. V. Uahengo
FCML: School of Law - Prof. A. Zulu
FEHS: School of Education - Dr. J. Nyambe
12. Conferment of all Qualifications: Chancellor
13. Act of Dedication (Education Graduates) - Prof. A. Zulu
14. Dissolution of the Congregation: Chancellor
15. AU/National Anthems