Page 3 - Destination Risk and Resilience Manual-Namibia
P. 3
List of Figures
Figure 1: Destination Resilience Enables a tourism destination to Absorb Disruptions
and then adapt and transform to Reach its Full Potential Sustainably 8
Figure 2: Risk and Resilience Assessment for Tourism Destinations 9
Figure 3: The Erongo Region 13
Figure 4: Number of Visitors to Namibia 15
Figure 5: Tourist Source Markets 16
Figure 6: Tourism Governance Structures 18
Figure 7: Individual Enablers by Type of Service Provider 31
Figure 8: Enablers of Enterprise Resilience by Sex 32
Figure 9: Enablers of Community Sustainability and Resilience 33
Figure 10: Barriers to tourism resilience 34
Figure 11: Motivation Towards Working in Tourism Sector 35
List of Tables
Table 1: National and Regional Government Tourism Bodies in Namibia 19
Table 2: Risks identified by survey participants 22
Table 3: Key risks and potential options for action 29
Table 4: Key interventions and ownership 39