Page 46 - Destination Risk and Resilience Manual-Namibia
P. 46


            Published by                                       Maps
            Deutsches Komitee Katastrophenvorsorge e. V.,      The maps printed here are intended only for informa-
            Kaiser-Friedrich-Str. 13, 53113 Bonn               tion purposes and in no way constitute recognition
            T  +49 (0)228 26 199 570                           under international law of boundaries and territories.
            E                                   DKKV and Futouris accepts no responsibility for these
            I 2                                   maps being entirely up to date, correct or complete. All
                                                               liability for any damage, direct or indirect, resulting from
            Futouris e.V., c/ o Regus                          their use is excluded.
            Heidenkampsweg 58, 20097 Hamburg
            T  +49 40 809034 4055                              URL Links
            E                               https://www dkkv org/en/consulting/projects/
            I 2 www.                              resilience-in-tourism

            Authors                                            https://www futouris org/en/projects/destination-
            Dr. Selma Lendelvo, Prof. Godfrey Tawodzera,       resilience-quality-infrastructures-for-resilient-tourism/
            Ms. Mary-Ellen Kimaro, Dr. Simon Chiutsi,
            Prof. Lawrence Kazembe, Dr. Wanjiru Muhoho,        First edition
            Mr Mally Likukela, Mr Jona Heita,                  The views presented in this paper are those of the
            Mr Lawrence Mutjavikua, Ms Catherine Malulu,       authors and do not necessarily represent the views
            Ms Martha Mosha                                    of DKKV and Futouris. Readers are encouraged to
                                                               reproduce material for their own publications.
            Design and layout
            kippconcept gmbh, Bonn                             Please cite as
                                                               Lendelvo, S.; Tawodzera, G.; Kimaro, M.-E.; Chiutsi, S.;
            Photo credits/sources                              Kazembe, L.; Muhoho, W.; Likukela, M.; Heita, J.;
            Cover: Stefano Politi Markovina (Alamy Stock),     Mutjavikua, L.; Malulu, C.; & Mosha, M. (2022).
            Marek Poplawski (AdobeStock) (p. 40),              Destination Risk and Resilience Manual for Namibia.
            all other: Eva Posch (DKKV)                        Windhoek, Namibia.

                                                               The project “Destination Resilience” is implemented
                                                               by German Committee for Disaster Reduction and
                                                               Futouris with support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für
                                                               Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf
                                                               of the German Federal Ministry for Economic
                                                               Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

                                                               Bonn, 2022

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