Page 3 - Professorial Lecture - Prof Nengomasha
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Professor Cathrine T. Nengomasha
Professor of Information Science, Department of Social Sciences
School of Humanities, Society and Development
Faculty of Education and Human Sciences.
University of Namibia
rofessor Cathrine Nengomasha is a consultant on several UNAM records
professor of information science in management projects in the public
Pthe Department of Social Sciences, service of Namibia. Some of the notable
School of Humanities, Society and consultancy and research projects she
Development in the Faculty of Education participated in include the Ministry of
and Human Sciences. She holds a Health records survey and design of a
Graduate Certificate in Education records management system; UNAM/
from the University of Zimbabwe, a UNFPA research on adolescent and
Master in Information Science from youth sexual and reproductive health
Syracuse University, USA; and a PhD in in Ohangwena Region; the National
Information Science from the University Planning Commission records survey
of Namibia. Her PhD dissertation was and the setting up of the records centre
titled: The Management of Electronic for the Millennium Challenge Account
Records in the Public Service of Namibia Project; Health Information Systems in
in the Context of E-government. Prior to Namibia; and Access to e-government
joining the University of Namibia in 2001, services by citizens through public/
she worked for the Botswana National community libraries in Namibia. She was
Archives for 6 year and the National part of a team that collaborated with
Archives of Zimbabwe for 12 years. She other international researchers on a study
served as a Head of Department as well “Everyday health information literacy of
as several UNAM Committees including young Finnish and Namibian students”.
the Postgraduate Studies Committee and She has supervised many students at
represented UNAM on external task forces. undergraduate and postgraduate
She is coordinating the establishment of levels in these research areas, mostly
an archives conservation laboratory at focusing on recent developments in ICTs
UNAM, co-funded by the Prince Claus and how they are impacting records
Fund for Culture and Development and management. Prof Nengomasha has
Cultural Emergency Response and the produced many scholarly works which
Whiting Foundation. include papers published in accredited
journals and chapters as well as served
Her research interests include electronic on editorial boards of various journals
records management; knowledge and books. She has served as an
management; electronic government; external examiner of undergraduate and
health records and health information postgraduate programmes for several
systems. She has been a lead universities internationally.
Transformation of Records & Archives Management in the Public Service of Namibia 3