Page 39 - 何嘉仁 eSTAR 5 備課用書
P. 39

Unit 1  18
                                                  Unit 1
          B  Listen and Circle  1  25
             1         2         3         4             wh:
               hen      phone      rich      grape       whack, what, whatever, wheat, wheelchair,
              when       hone      which     graph       when, where, which, while, whip, whirl,

          C  Listen and Read     1  26                   whisk, whisper, whistle, whoops, whose,

                            Cherry has a dolphin.
                            His name is Phil.            ph:
                            He likes to eat pumpkins.    alphabet, autograph, digraph, graph,
                                                         hyphen, nephew, orphan, pharmacy,
                                                         triumph, trophy
                             Cherry shouts, “Where are
                             you, Phil?”
                             Whistle! Whistle! Whistle!  發音閱讀延伸字
                                                          Phil   €Ӳɿԁ
                                                          whistle €ɹࡤᑊ
                             Wait! It's not Phil.
                             It's a white whale!


           三   發音教學 2    10 分鐘           CD1 23-24

           1. ઺ࢪਗ਼ ph ೯ࠪԷο  photo    elephant    dolphin  ᄳίලؐɪdԨሗኪ͛༧ਮf

           2. ሗɓЗኪ͛ɪ̨d઺ࢪΎਮɓϣ೯ࠪԷοdሗ̨ɪኪ͛ਗ਼οʕ೯ [f] ٙο͎ਸ਼ৎԸdԷνj
             photo    elephant    dolphin f
           3. ઺ࢪ੭ਮ೯ࠪ ph [f]dኪ͛༧ਮdᆽႩኪ͛ޫঐᛓ፫ʿਮᛘ೯ࠪf

           4. ઺ࢪ৪ͪ೯ࠪὁdˏኬኪ͛˸೯ࠪ஝ۆܳਮఊοdԷνj[f], [f],  photo i[f], [f],  elephant i
             [f], [f],  dolphin dᆽႩኪ͛ޫঐਮ͍̈ᆽٙ೯ࠪf

           5. ઺ࢪᅧ׳ CD€אཥɿࣣdሗኪ͛΋ᛓɓཁ೯ࠪᗲ˖dΎ༧ഹ CD ਮɓཁf

           1. ઺ࢪਗ਼೯ࠪ̔ʱމ೯ࠪὁձྡ̔dਗ਼ὁʿྡ̔ߠࠦಃɪ൨ίලؐɪf€ʔ̙ᜫኪ͛

           2. ӊଡ଼ቃݴݼ 2 З˾ڌɪ̨ᔕՇੵ̔d߰˖οʿྡ˪ৣ࿁ϓ̌ۆ̙੻ʱf
           3. ̙ࠢࣛ 5 ߆ᔕ̔dᄣ༷̋Ꮥٙၡੵชf
           4. ̙ᜊʷ༷Ꮥ˙όj઺ࢪࠇࣛ 30 ߆dঐί 30 ߆ʫᔕ̈௰εଡ଼޴ৣ࿁೯ࠪ̔ٙʃଡ଼ᐏ௷f

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