Page 81 - 何嘉仁 eSTAR 5 備課用書
P. 81
Review 1
1. ࢪሙۃ௪Շࡈܸ০dਗ਼ਗيၾήᓃఊὁ൨ίලؐɪdఖϓɓࡈ˙Җdਗ਼ܸ০
動物區 地點區
bears elephants lions zoo park tea shop
horses ܸ০ monkeys library ܸ০ bookstore
kangaroos tigers zebras post office supermarket hospital
2. ਗ਼Όफʱމᅰଡ଼dӊଡ଼ӊϣݼՇЗኪ͛ɪ̨dࠋபᔷɓࡈܸ০dԷνjኪ͛ A ᔷ
ਗيਜܸ০dܸ০ܸՑ horsesdኪ͛ B ᔷήᓃਜܸ০dܸ০ܸՑ libraryf
3. ̨ɨኪ͛Աኽܸ০הܸՑٙఊοਪd̨ɪኪ͛ΫഈdਪഈᇍԷj
All: What do you see?
S1: I see some horses.
All: Where are the horses going?
S2: They’re going to the library.
4. Ϥݺਗ̙ආචމܸ֛ኪ͛ி̩dᄣ̋ݺਗܿf
Teacher’s Notes